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  1. Hedgeland Farms


    Frankie the Pheasant is off to their new home!!! Thank you everyone for your advice and help!
  2. Hedgeland Farms


    T Thank you... We are passing it along to someone who raises them... We are not set up for pheasants, nor do we care to raise a single bird of any breed. And if I were to build another coop/'d be for more chickens 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. Hedgeland Farms


    I hear you... We found someone who owns them... We will be passing it along...
  4. Hedgeland Farms


    Thank you so much! My husband brought it home pheasant farm?!?! They are raised up, then released for hunting. This guy was a runt and clearly getting picked on. We are thinking of raising and releasing as we have no desire to get anymore nor do we really have a separate set up for it currently...
  5. Hedgeland Farms


    I dont have any at the moment but plan to grab some on that too late??
  6. Hedgeland Farms


    Thank you so much for the help
  7. Hedgeland Farms


    I appreciate it... I dont know how to move this to the right section so thanks for taggjng people
  8. Hedgeland Farms


    Totally wrong section my bad....
  9. Hedgeland Farms


    Help please... My hubby brought me home a baby pheasant. Said its 6wks...but it looks like 4 wks...(was hatched with others 2x his size. Any info would be appreciated... He was thinking i could raise it with my 3 chicks
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