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  1. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    This isn’t a ring neck but the same incubation time.. like I said I doubt they are fertile but hopefull 🤣 my lil chicken is happily sitting on them. I don’t candle until usually 10 days just as I have learned with my chickens sometimes they don’t show to much until then. Will update when I know...
  2. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    I’m in (hell 😂 Utah but moving soon) she laid 5 eggs in total and she was pretty healed up from her injury so I let her go on my property as honestly didn’t know what else to do with her. Hated seeing her cooped up she stuck around the entire day but sadly haven’t seen her sense. Anyway I have a...
  3. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    UPDATE 😂 she has started laying eggs😮😀😂🤣 she has laid 3 so far. I’m not sure if she is laying a clutch or just laying eggs. Lol I’m letting her keep them and we will see where this goes
  4. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    Yes it does♥️ I hadn’t found online the suggested size of pen for one.. do they roost or prefer to have hiding boxes I did look at types of plants they like to forge in and hide and was planning on getting some of those grasses etc
  5. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    Awesome thank you so much. I’m reading as much as I can on them as this is a bird I have never had. I will gladly take all the advice I can get to give her the best I can. She found me for a reason (yes I believe in that kind of thing) so I want to do what’s right by her
  6. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    Well then it looks like I will be needing to build another pen🥲 my peacocks get along fine with the chickens and roosters but everyone has always free roam during the day. Only reason the peacocks are now getting penned is because a neighbor said he was going to shoot them🤬 no joke! No they...
  7. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    Yes just wondered into my front yard lol she may have escaped from somewhere here as several of my neighbors are hunters with tons (illegal amounts of hunting dogs) they are horrible people they will catch cats and use them as bait etc. it’s the only places I can think she possibly could have...
  8. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    Luckily I have gamebird feed (I have peacocks) … she is only in the dog (very large Great Dane size) metal crate so I could quarantine her and keep an eye on her etc for a short time. I now need to add smaller wire to the new pen I am finishing for my peacocks 😂👏🏻♥️ It never ends 😂😂😂 do u feel...
  9. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    Would love to lol… I have never seen any pheasant here so have a feeling I’m going to have a hard time finding one for her
  10. Uwish

    Look what I got!! Lol

    So I was finishing working on a new coop build turned and this lil girl came walking up to me 😮 wasn’t sure what it was looked kinda like a pigeon but not the tail anyway reached down and she kinda spooked that’s when I saw she has a boo boo on her bum area so I caught her (wasn’t hard ) not...
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