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  1. S


    Yes, I've been reading about the omega 6 and 3 issues. Our Western diet will kill us, and break the economy in the process. We can't afford to take care of the illnesses that we giving ourselves. The big businesses concerned with producing our food won't stand for the changes we need to make...
  2. S


    And share what you learn, please?
  3. S


    This is for a family member, IIRC...? :fl:fl:fl
  4. S


    I'm on a quest to lower my LDL. My HDL is great, my triglycerides are ok, my total cholesterol is very high (241), mainly because of my LDL (137). Oatmeal 5-6 times a week, more greens, more exercise. I'm taking vit D3 3-4x a week, because the bottle I bought was the high potency stuff, 625%...
  5. S


    I stopped automatically salting my food in college. The college food service food was plenty salty, to me. I still rarely salt my food, rice being one exception. A friend of mine uses so much salt... before even tasting anything. (shudder)
  6. S


    I remember being told something like that too. :mad: As far as I know, my yearly physical, mammogram, and bone density scan are all covered in full. I do pay a small amount for the blood work on the physical. DH and I just paid for some additional testing, checking neck arteries for plaque...
  7. S


    I am really tired at the moment, so now is not a good time for me to buy stuff online. I read through (mostly) the link to the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, and would seriously consider the $67 or even $97 package. The $397 package, eh, no. Have you heard/read any more about anything like...
  8. S


    :pop Following! I will come back later, read this over again, and check out the links. Osteoporosis is definitely on my radar. My maternal grandmother had it. She also had Parkinson's, and that limited her mobility, which surely did not help. She fell and broke her hip, and never walked again...
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