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  1. kfelton0002

    Best breeding set up for heritage turkeys?

    Aww what a jerk. lol That makes sense because if a tom in the wild wants to further his genes he would sabotage a nest to make the hen receptive to breed again. Like how male lions will kill another male's cubs when he takes over a pride so the females go back into heat again.
  2. kfelton0002

    Best breeding set up for heritage turkeys?

    Also, little dog houses for small dogs make good nest boxes for turkeys. The little plastic ones. You may be able to find some at yard sales or on FB marketplace. You can position the entrance of the nest kind of close to the fence or another structure in the pen so the hen almost has to...
  3. kfelton0002

    Best breeding set up for heritage turkeys?

    I'm glad to hear your toms are friendly! I have had a 30# terror and it isn't very fun. I was given a young Eastern Wild Turkey jake around 13-14 years ago before we moved to the property we own now. He was beautiful and friendly until he matured and turned into a woman-hating nightmare! He...
  4. kfelton0002

    Best breeding set up for heritage turkeys?

    If breeding 1:1, I would do as previously mentioned and only allow the tom to visit the hen once or so a week for a few hours. Keep him in a bachelor pen the rest of the time. Or if mating him to more than one single-mate pens, just move him around. Hopefully your breeder males are friendly...
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