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  1. Tumbleweedlynn

    Chick chat! (Just random chatter about hatching and raising chicks!)

    I have 3 olive Eggers, one cream legbar, 3 buff Orpingtons, 3 Rhode Island reds, 2 blue Plymouth, one Easter Egger and a blue leghorn roo in one flock, then 6 Ayam Cemani hens and one roo in second flock, then a bunch of babies for my third flock that include cemanis, Wyandotte, Welbar, speckled...
  2. Tumbleweedlynn

    Chick chat! (Just random chatter about hatching and raising chicks!)

    Too bad we can’t potty train them!
  3. Tumbleweedlynn

    Chick chat! (Just random chatter about hatching and raising chicks!)

    I couldn’t tell you on that one. But do you want to know my question? Does anyone else follow your chickens around, waiting for the poop so you can get a stick and dissect it, looking for moving things and colors?
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