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  1. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    Thank you :frow I'm so happy to see such a wonderful and warm community of fowl lovers :love
  2. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    The size difference between the week old ones and the day old ones I got today is incredible!
  3. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    Thank you :love I had forgotten how much fun they are.
  4. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    Thank you Tricia :love
  5. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    LOL Thank you TwoCrows, This morning I went back to the co op and meant to only come home with 4 more chicks. Somehow, 5 got in the box lol. Chicken math.
  6. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    Thank you sourland :love I haven't been this excited in a long time haha.
  7. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    Thank you all for such a warm welcome. What a wonderful community to fellowship in chicken raising. I'm sure the Lord led me here :) Wish me luck, I'm off to get the other 4 chicks at the local co op.
  8. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    Thank you Sean <3
  9. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    Thank you, :) I'll just call her my mystery chick for the moment lol
  10. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    She seems so sweet.
  11. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    Thank you :) I'm so happy to be here and to be a chicken mom again.
  12. TicaCielo

    Happy to be a Chicken mom again. :)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No, I raised chickens before but haven't had any for the past 10 years. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 4 baby chicks but am getting 4 more tomorrow (3) What breeds do you have? I have 2 Ancanas, 1 California white and...
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