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  1. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    They were quitters- I've never did hatch rates so no idea how you count or do the math. 😪. Thanks!
  2. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Alright, update on my babies- If I'm counting right, 40 eggs were set, 38 made it to lockdown, 6 didn't hatch, 30 did hatch and I lost one. Currently have 29 chicks running around. Any idea what the hatch rate % is for me in this case? No idea how that works.
  3. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Just moved 15 chicks out of the incubator and into the brooder, they are doing well. Have 5 more pipped and should hatch maybe tonight or sometime in the middle of the night, not sure. - But, i had 5 more eggs, 4 had internally pipped but i didnt hear any sound or see any movement, opened them...
  4. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    The vitamin e must of helped- its fine now and was actually one of the first to get up and around and start eating in the brooder.
  5. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Well, update on mine- 7 have hatched and 1 more is unzipping as I type. 1 of the 7 keeps holding its head up and then falls over on its back, not sure why but we read that offering vitamin e will help? Is that true? Circled chick is the one I'm talking about.
  6. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Ah, I see, I'm no expert so I wont say no further as I have no idea.
  7. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    one of my chicks that took the longest to pip externally so far hatched before the others did, so i wanna say give yours until tonight?
  8. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    4 babies are out, went and talked to my neigbor to distract myself from the eggs and all that. Came back to 3 chicks out of the egg. The one I mentioned who zipped this morning hatched not long after i made the post and is fluffed up now.
  9. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Is it normal for them to pip the whole shell? i have a lot of them pipped where their beak is visible. Not all are pictured in the photo, only took one as I have a chick unzipping I wanted to show. Circled chick/egg is the one unzipping.
  10. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    3 more have internally pipped lol, lots of early birds. 6 in total now.
  11. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Guys, two more internal pips on day 18. Not sure what to think i just hope they're okay and its not going to be an issue. the two on right are the most recent. Also, the air pockets have changed in only hours in size- Bigger in some, and others its only changed a tiny bit.
  12. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Messed with my smaller eggs as they are the ones where I can see the bodies in the air sac, and sure enough I found "a" chirping chick who has internally pipped. Only around 11 hours into day 18, they won't be on day 19 until 6pm tonight. (Eastern).
  13. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Day 18 y'all! Last air pocket check up, some look too small and and some too big, but y'all tell me if any things off and if i should do something. Some of the chicks bodies are poking into the air pocket on the low side, usually that tells me they should start hatching soon, but now i wonder if...
  14. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    good to know nothing looks too unusual, probably won't be doing any more checks on the day 15 eggs (today), maybe on day 18 before I lock them down.
  15. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I set the eggs my friend wanted me to hatch, she gave me 9, and I put 6 in my one incubator. Coincidentally, i had a hen go broody the same day she brought them, and I gave her the remaining 3 eggs. The hen who went broody is one of my buff brahma's, she has 6 eggs in total, just 3 are from my...
  16. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Alright, day 14 journal update, we had one of the olive egger/CCL's quit, but the rest are doing fine. And air pocket updates- The ones on day 12 i went ahead and marked tonight, as well as the day 11 eggs. My main focus is on the day 14 eggs, but if anything looks to small or too big let me...
  17. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    39 eggs are left in the incubator since i last candled, need to update my journal. I will tonight as my first batch will be on day 14 so expect a journal update later. They hatch next thursday, and will be on lockdown starting monday, can't wait I'm just too impatient. - My friends rooster died...
  18. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Looks like hens to me- I have a 10-11 week old white crested black polish hen- The fullest hair usually means female I believe and yours has a similar hairdo to mine. I also have a red frizzle cochin like yours, but that ones only 2/3 weeks old (forgot when I got them exactly) No idea on it's...
  19. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Sure am, but, well, I'm just afraid of wasting eggs by doing a dry attach attempt. What if I stopped adding humidity after the eggs already had humidity that was above 40 in the incubator, could I stop there after until lockdown? I haven't added humidity since day 5 or so, because of the air...
  20. lilwanderer

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Alrighty, makes sense. And I will.
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