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  1. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Ended up setting 81 eggs, down to 65 after pulling clears and one super early quitter. Getting rid of one of the roosters shows in this batch! We have 2 roosters now and over 40 hens, so I’m very impressed. Those boys must be staying busy, I’m super happy with that fertility rate considering...
  2. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Haha, lighting had you fooled. 😊
  3. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    All 8 silkies hatched! Ended up w 2 black, 2 dark blue, 2 silver, a paint (I think), and a brown patterned one. 😊 Can’t wait to see them fluffed out!
  4. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    So some good news. I did set 8 Silkie eggs for myself & my son, and 7 have hatched so far, with the last one pipped (wiggling around when I did a quick candle to check.) So at least a successful Silkie hatch! Pics of them to come once they are dried off and fluffed out!
  5. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Thank you. It was bound to happen eventually. Luckily my Silkies are a day behind, so I’m praying they have no issues hatching. 3 Silkie pips so far out of 8. Fingers crossed for them…
  6. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Had another hatch, making the count 17. However one had something large and bloody sticking out of its navel (intestine?) I tried to push it back in, and after 3 hours it was still bleeding all over, so I had to do my first cull. 😞 I don’t think it is responsible to hatch if you can’t cull a...
  7. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I have 15 chicks out so far! I am very disappointed with this hatch though. I only had 1 clear out of 43 farm eggs. Had 6 early quitters (day 10 or before), which brings me to 36. I had two eggs zip all the way around, and then stop moving (must’ve been last night). When I moved all 10 dry...
  8. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I have 5 out now, and a bunch more Pipped! I had a “duh” moment…I set 12 eggs a day late…realized after the first chick hatched that I didn’t put those eggs in the 12 egg Kebonnix to hatch and so everything would be staggered. So I quick took all the day-late eggs out of tbe 360, them quick...
  9. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Yes 👍🏼
  10. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Woohoo! Good job, teach! 😂
  11. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    And here she is! 😊
  12. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    First zip! C’mon chickie #4!
  13. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Woohoo! I did put some eggs in a day late, so a bunch are a day behind including my silkies. So it will be like popcorn all weekend and Monday (hopefully!) I am also doing a small hatch with my class, and those 12 eggs are due Tuesday! The kids can’t wait to come back Monday to see if there is...
  14. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Day 20 this afternoon! I have a bunch of pups this morning! Finished wiring the new dog crate brooder last night. Don’t anticipate any this early, seems my early pips always take all day to hatch. Lol
  15. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Yay! One blue egg layer! 😂
  16. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I’ll take Lightning Bolt. How can that not mean power? 😂
  17. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Just put my eggs in lockdown! 34 total in 2 incubators. A few are a day behind, but I don’t think that will make too much difference. Since I am taking my newborn brooder (rubbermaid bin with side cut out and mesh over it) to school for my classroom hatch next week, I had to prepare a dog crate...
  18. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I saw this incubator also, and almost bought it, but there wasn’t a lot of reviews to go by. I’m glad it is working for you, and look forward to hearing how it holds up!
  19. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Congratulations! I still have never had all eggs at lockdown hatch. Pretty amazing! Out of curiosity what incubator did you use?
  20. Iluveggers

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Day 14, did a candle & air-cell check. All 34 still look good! First time candling this batch that I didn’t have to pull an egg, thank goodness! Hoping they will start hatching on day 20 again, so I can move any eggs I’m waiting on to the Kebonnix (hopefully 12 or less) by Sunday after dinner...
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