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  1. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Hey is there any chance anyone on this thread knows anything about wry neck? I'm struggling to find anyone willing to answer my questions in my "emergencies" thread so I've been flying blind all day and would super appreciate anyone weighing in with their thoughts. I just posted a video of the...
  2. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    My last two pipped hatched overnight. :) They were the tiniest eggs of the batch. One is healthy, the other has what I'm pretty sure is wry neck. It can't seem to stay upright or straighten out its neck at all, poor thing. I don't have the right things on hand but I'll start with this vitamin...
  3. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Is hatching fatigue a thing? Don't get me wrong, I am loving these chicks. It's been over 24 hours since the first ones hatched and there are still more to hatch; they're pipped any I hear them peeping and see the eggs moving. Besides the one we lost tragically while it was zipping, we had a...
  4. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    7 healthy so far, one died while zipping. I had been watching it zip for half an hour, it was mostly zipped and pushing to break free. I then took maybe 40 minutes to get my toddler ready to go, then after I saw him off I came back and the chick wasn't moving at all. I knew it was bad when I...
  5. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    6 chicks hatched so far, and the one I was worried about is now zipping like a pro!
  6. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Really pulling for this one. It pipped just outside of its air cell, and there is blood visible. But I just saw a faint bit of movement so it's still alive so far. <3 I know there's nothing I can do to help it, because it doesn't need a safety hole and I'd just make any bleeding worse. Just...
  7. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    They hatched just seconds apart. 🥰
  8. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    5 pips so far! So much cheeping! They're so happy!
  9. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I've gone all fancy with an assist station this time around. Last time one of mine glued and I was able to rescue it (so sorry for your loss, @Kikilu ) but the chick got really cold in the process and I felt rushed trying to hurry and figure out how to help it without it getting too cold. So I...
  10. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    This will be my second hatch. My first hatch spanned 50 hours from when the first one hatched to when the last one hatched!
  11. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I thought the day you put them in counts as day 0? And it hasn't been day 1 unless it's been 24 hours since you put them in? It seems I'm getting conflicting info about how to count the days... EDIT: Okay I see where I went wrong. I was counting weeks, not days. I thought if Wednesday is day...
  12. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I have my first external pip! So exciting!!! I love hearing the little cheeps. <3 Double checking my dates, I put the eggs in the incubator at 5pm on the 18th. So the completion of day 1 would happen 24 hours later, at 5pm on the 19th, correct? That would mean yesterday at 5pm would have been...
  13. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Okay I decided to pull one egg into its own incubator, because I determined the air cell isn't large enough and candling it didn't look like it was quite ready for lockdown yet. Its air cell had almost no slope to it whatsoever, and is notably smaller than the other 3 eggs of the same breed...
  14. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    It's day 18, putting 15 eggs into lockdown. While doing the final candling, I pick up the next egg and hear "CHEEP!" I'm like, no way. Start candling and I literally feel and hear it scrambling against the egg shell! I very quickly candled a few more and then just hastened them all into...
  15. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Tomorrow is day 18, lockdown day! I'm starting to wonder if I should move my smaller eggs to their own "hatching incubator". I was just reading them might hatch a day or two sooner. I also read a post somewhere on these forums saying an egg shouldn't go into lockdown until it is 100% dark...
  16. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Just so I know for future possibilities, did you buy regular eggs at the store from local farms intended for eating and candle them and are now going to try to hatch the ones that looked viable?
  17. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    My excuse was that I needed a backup in case the first one broke, and also needed one for any chick that needs immediate isolation after a hatch while drying off. 🤣
  18. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    My first incubation was 8 eggs (That's the max my incubator held) and now I'm hatching 18 and it feels like a LOT. "Only 41" made me LOL too. 🤣
  19. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I candled one....just one...of my 16 eggs today even though it's only day 5. I saw veins, a dark spot, and I swear I even saw movement! I just needed that little pick me up. :) One of the eggs got a harder knock than I wanted while I was turning them and I hope it'll be okay, I feel bad for it...
  20. HeidiGetsChicks

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I hope it's not too silly that I'm hand turning in addition to the automatic turning of my bator. I have the rolling on its sides kind of deal and I just feel that since I've marked them I can see it doesn't necessarily turn them all the way, and they don't all turn evenly. I also wonder if...
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