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  1. BarnyardChaos

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I just realized I never took photos of my May hatchlings! :'( I called them my "Dumpling" tribe. They hatched on May 5th, lost one after a few days, and had 29 healthy, happy chicks survive. Realized I had far too many chicks this season (I hatched in Feb, March and April, too - Alfredo...
  2. BarnyardChaos

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    FYI anyone who's setting eggs today or tomorrow: Listen up! Hatch date will be May 4th or 5th, and that's nacho ordinary day! Let's shell-ibrate and have an eggcelent time for Cinco de Mayo, chickitas! I made a Hatch-Along just for Cinco de Mayo chicks, here...
  3. BarnyardChaos

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I'm officially IN for a May hatch. Set 42 barnyard mix eggs this morning at 6am. Running two small incubators, with 3 'extra' eggs stacked to replace any clears. I specifically chose this date and collected eggs for four days, so that I could time the hatch to coincide on or before the May...
  4. BarnyardChaos

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I'll be joining up too, with another batch of 39 I'm planning to hatch on about April 5th, the "Flower" full moon. I'll be setting eggs April 13 or 14. Barnyard mixes.
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