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  1. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    One: deep breath Two: without wishing to sound mean, fences must do what they're supposed to. Emus can scale surprisingly high fences. We're always talking about it here. Three: 'walking the fence' is a known unhappiness thing. Ok. Not eating? Sounds also like an unhappiness thing. Always on...
  2. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Here is Number One taxing flowers off my capsicum plant. Bad Number One!
  3. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    'what is there main food source in the wild?' I guess that most readers here would enjoy spending a day wandering around after a clutch of chicks. One is entitled to initially think, 'Emus eat grass.' But overall -- although in hard times they do it hard -- they enjoy an amazingly broad and...
  4. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    'i read some where that emu don't mate for life' Correct, as I understand it; but it would be interesting to find exceptions. Perhaps the most interesting finding of our years of research is that 'the literature' on emus is full of amazing errors.
  5. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    'Do the females choose there partners?' The species is 'gynocentric' -- the girls are in charge. They choose their 'consorts' The pair stays together until mating/laying is complete, then the male both incubates and raises the chicks. It is understood that females mate with males other than...
  6. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Here is Eric the Emu with the last clutch he brought here. One of the chicks in this photo is the male 'Tooshtoosh.' Tooshtoosh was here with his first clutch for some months, and the two females who were here this morning are young adults of this clutch -- Eric's grandkids. Supreme Emu, Lake...
  7. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    'I must ask what is a wild emu man, do you watch them in there habitat or what.' Yes! My little project -- 'Planet Rothschildi' -- is known from the U.K. to the Mexican border. It seems that no one has ever made an intergenerational study of emu behavior. We have learned lots of things that...
  8. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Great answer! Now, I will leave you to be advised by folks who have experience with moving emus in situations such as yours -- I am Wild Emu Guy, and my competencies are quite different. But I will watch the thread to see how you get on. We have had discussions over the years about stuff like...
  9. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Tell us the age/size of your emooz, please, 5k, and how tame they are. 'if the emus get away whats the worst that can happen' An escaped emoo is almost certainly a panicked emoo. There's a sorta 'equation' of spooked-ness: how traumatic the scare was, how tame the bird is, how quiet it is...
  10. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    'please dont think bad about me becasue of this pen.' I'd love to see a pen-development project happen. We've discussed lots of stuff over the years: planting shrubs, planting edibles, sowing grasses, providing ponds, etc. Supreme Emu
  11. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    The adult is a female. Limpy Chick, I think. These chicks were unattached, and just decided that she was their Dad. She pecked their heads relentlessly . . . for a while, then just let them follow her around. Supreme Emu
  12. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Thanks so much for the nine-minute video. I learned a lot. Is the male attacking his own chicks?! And: although your paddock is of a good size, it's interesting for me to compare the dynamic with that of the tame-wild birds here. Thirty, forty, fifty yards is point blank in respect of...
  13. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Oh wow, sneakyturtle. Excellent SE
  14. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Indeed, it's an outrageous request; but could anyone get a video of vent-sexing? Supreme Emu
  15. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    ' I can vent sex them :)' 'Sex them' -- only humans have gender [Eight birds at breakfast this morning!] Supreme Emu
  16. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    'Can I use a nonmedicated chick pellet in case I dont have it yet and they arrive?' I must learn about the 'medicated' part, but chicks (and adults) will eat a wide variety of things. Try them with -- as noted -- all manner of greens. Try fruit, fresh and dried. Off my plate in the garden...
  17. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    'the second one that hatched has really bad splayed legs. Found it flat as a pancake with legs out to the sides. It’s currently in my shirt with its legs taped' Thre just seem to be so many mentions of splayed legs Supreme Emu
  18. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Go, #6!!
  19. briefvisit

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Without a doubt, campers, this is one of the rarest clips of emu behavior in existence. It shows one of the little 'trysts' that a breeding-pair has before the laying begins. I witnessed two of these, both in absurdly exposed spots. Then at a distance the top half of an egg-laying, though binos...
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