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  1. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    It was a pain to get my juveniles in with the adults. I too second waiting until they are similar in size. Even then, the adults still gave the young ones a hard time for a bit, but since they were bigger, it wasn't as likely to end in injury.
  2. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I think you'll just have to wait it out. It's got excess water which is making it swell, and that should go down over time.
  3. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I could try - be hard to get them wrangled and hold the camera though so I'll have to figure out a tripod.
  4. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Only way to sex them is either by DNA, which at this age would have to be a blood sample, or to vent sex. Dad doesn't mind you around them at all?
  5. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Yes, a small hole in the air cell. I use a drill bit to do it. Go very slow because the chick is in there at this point and you don't want to hit it.
  6. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I would do a small safety hole in it. But also be aware that often if they can't externally pip, there could be a problem with the chick. It might just be a simple malposition, in which case no issues, but it also might have problems that would result in you having to cull. Or maybe it's just a...
  7. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I can vent sex them :)
  8. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Pulled two chicks out of the incubator tonight, got a third egg whistling :) One little female is going to a home with a yearling male that needs a friend. Looks like two girls this time so far, which helps balance out all the boys I've been hatching! So many boys this year.
  9. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Did some whistling at some eggs tonight. Got some wiggles from a possible blonde egg. Had to pull another one though because it reeked :sick At least I caught it before it leaked!
  10. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I did some whistle testing on two of the eggs that are due the 28th. Both moved! Hoping for a good hatch - and no power outage during this storm, darn it!
  11. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Almost there! I would be on the lookout for the eggs to level back out - that is a sign they have internally pipped. Also if you hear peeping, haha.
  12. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    My goodness, the seller I bought from (I buy from her every year, she actually was here on BYC at one point) emailed me today and said she sent me out two replacement eggs for the cracked ones this year, PLUS three more that she thinks her male might have sat on for a day or two so she didn't...
  13. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I use Poulin Grain ratite, but that's more of a small company so you likely won't find it outside of the northeast. Kalmbach makes a good one too! And you can buy it from Chewy, believe it or not.
  14. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I do the same thing every year, lol. In fact just today my chance of blonde/white eggs got here. Mostly I'm trying for a white at this point, haha. Darn post office cracked two of the eggs though, sigh. How they even managed, I don't know.
  15. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Well, I have three more babies from the next batch of eggs! Woo! Also got one more out of the power outage eggs, but it is not well. Very sticky and didn't fully absorb the yolk :( We will see how it does but I'm very guarded about its prognosis.
  16. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I usually do it when I see the egg level back out - or when I hear it peep at me, lol.
  17. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Well now I have another egg peeping at me. This has been the most drawn out hatch I have ever had.
  18. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I just got home to quite the surprise! There is a chick hatched and another on the way out. One is from the eggs that I thought might have frozen.
  19. Pyxis

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long Very good, actually. I grabbed another pound from him when I picked up all the chicks he had last year.
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