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  1. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Well she did drink, so that's good. But i brought her some cheerios that she used to like, she picked one up and just dropped it, and didn't try to go for any others. Is there a way to check there leg and hip for broken bones or something? I bleave one of her wings is broken or badly messed...
  2. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    sadly all the vets in my area dont i know enough about emus to get them involved, but i will still call around after the long weekend here.
  3. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I'm not really sure what to do with my girl. She was getting a little better at the start of the week now she's the worst she's been. On moneday she was atleast trying to eat her normal food, and she was eating some cherrios and blueberry. Now shes not even going fro her favorite treats, she did...
  4. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I noticed something on my girl that could explain why shes not eat her normal food. I went down to try some cheerios whit her and it looks like is getting stuck in her throat. So what should i do what can be down?
  5. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    sorry or the late repaly life got complicated. Fixed the fencings hes locked up behind the barn theres only to 2 views of the pen from there, so he spend most of the time behind it, and the girl is able to stay out of sight. Shes not eating her noraml food, but is willing to eat blueberry's and...
  6. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Hey im at the end of my rope. A week ago i went down to the emus and saw my male emu running my femal agaisnt the fence had trying to stomp her. I sperate them; if i didnt im sure he would have killed her. Today he got out from his spertae pen and chased her agisnts the fence and try to stomp...
  7. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    That is super cool. I do have a question about there wild mating behavior Do the females choose there partners, i read some where that emu don't mate for life, so im wondering do/have they gone back to males they've been with in the past or do they find a new male. Also what is there main food...
  8. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Thanks. I must ask what is a wild emu man, do you watch them in there habitat or what. Thats not something many people can say they have done. Good for you. I have heard kangaroos are cositered a pest is that really the case, or is it more people building into there habitat?
  9. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I have 3 emus 2 are 4 years and the other 4months. The adult female is tame on her own terms, she allows people to touch when she wants it the male is inquisitive but a little jumpy. The younger one is tame but still not to sure about people. They live on a active farm so they have been...
  10. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    So i had some general question on moving and stuff. I have my emus in a pen at the moment but it isnt quite the best for them. So ive been working on a newer pen which should be done in the next month or so. So this leads to my questions. 1) The newer pen is far away from there current one...
  11. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    DNAing with blood
  12. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    i have the worst luck for sex's from the past 10 or 11 i have had 1 male and the rest females.
  13. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Thought i would update my progress with introducing my emus. I did end up introducing them yesterday. Just because she was posing a threat to the other emu chicks. It went really well. I put her in and nothing the male was a little interested and followed her around for a bit then he went on to...
  14. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    She's about the size of the ones in the video. They have a fence between them, and i put there water closer to together. THe male gets a little mad at it but compared to when it first was outside for the first time its like night and day. The female donset really care or i haven't seen her care...
  15. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    What are your experiences with put younger emus with older ones. I have one that is quickly outgrowing its current pen. It is next to the adults, the female could care less but the male does have somthing against it but hes start to chill. It probably can stay in its current pen but defentily...
  16. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I have a emu chick problem. A egg i thought that wasnt going to hatch hatch. It lost 10.4%. And it is bloated as one would expect. It belly is bloaed and it feet are bloated. What the best way to proceed with it. Will it be ok, does it just need time for it to go away? What can/should i do?
  17. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Thanks i will probably do a saftey hole. I drill a small hole by where the air sack was right? I think its probably because of bloat the one that did hatch was bloated so I'm thinking that's probably why he hast got out yey.
  18. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I have a bit of a problem. An egg of mine internally peed wesnday I belave. But has not yet externally peeped. An egg that internally peeped after this one has externally peeped today. It has started to huff and puff, I'm not sure what to do any advice .
  19. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    No not really it's just a styrofoam one, that my sister used for chicken eggs awhile back.
  20. 5

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    put in 8 eggs into the incubator. But I'm pretty skeptical that any will hatch. The incubator is sucking right now, some times the eggs are cold to the touch it defiantly dosent get to the right temp. It's around 94.5-95.2. So it might be time to look into a new one.
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