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  1. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    So, my friends, how would you choose which cockerels to keep, which to go? They are 8 weeks old, the adult feathers aren't in, the personality is not set due to raging hormones, but I cannot keep them any longer. My coop is on the verge of chaos and I have no place to house them. Have you had...
  2. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Yep. I don't know if that's an indication of intelligence or just plain old stubbornness.
  3. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Noooo! I want her eggs.
  4. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    And Limey is on the main roost...with the hens...but the other four boys are on the A-frame. :caf
  5. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Blue squared off with another cockerel...and raised his hackles. :hmm
  6. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Martha's gone broody. :barnie No. Just no.
  7. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    The juvies/teens were active and noisy after dusk, still eating and running around, annoying the hens. I was surprised Rahab didn't chase them out of the brooder... But the hens on the roost didn't appreciate the boys antics. When they tried to roost they got pecked! That's Limey who's putting...
  8. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    After church I checked on the chicks, no issues aside from waterers and feeders needing attention, mainly due to being filled with litter and dirt. :rolleyes: The new chicks are mingling with the hens, are darting in between the adults when I toss food. I chopped up the grapes more finely in...
  9. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Rahab's bunch resting. Okay, @1muttsfan , boys or girls? ;)
  10. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    They MUST be girls, right? :fl I let everyone out of the brooders this morning. Here's Rahab with her bunch soaking up some morning sun. Rahab actually went after one of the Dominiques this morning, it got too close. Good. Tamar is still low gal in the pecking order, but her chicks are...
  11. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Lydia, Naomi, Abigail
  12. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Hannah's comb didn't used to look like that. From December, all three Sussex: L-R Rahab, Hannah, Martha To identify the Dominiques I cheat, I look at the leg rings. Except Lydia, she makes the most endearing nasal "Waaaaw" sound as if she's disappointed. :lol:
  13. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Sure are! LC, Limey, Blue, Purple, Dom X Two were already on the A-frame roost when I checked a few minutes ago. LC was roosting on the edge of the wheelbarrow, Limey and Dom X were next to Martha. She kept pecking them and they kept squealing. I moved them to the A-frame. It appears Martha...
  14. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Today: Neither Rahab nor Tamar are showing the fierce devotion to motherhood that Martha did. :confused: Today I let both broodies out with their chicks while I observed. One of the Sussex, Hannah, chased Tamar away from her chicks, and at one point climbed on top of Tamar and scratched...
  15. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    So...I was NOT prepared for two broody hens with chicks. I used a quail waterer for Rahab's group, and put feed on a leaf, or brick. The waterer was inadequate for a hen and four chicks. My regular chick waterer was a galvanized metal/canning jar combo, which never screwed on smoothly. When I...
  16. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Four juvies hiding: The Dominique cross boy won't fit in the hiding place. He's roosting by the door. He's a pretty boy:
  17. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I'm not quite 18 months into my second go around with chickens. If you've been following me for a length of time you're aware that I post my thoughts, my successes, and my mistakes. There's a lot of drama in the coop recently. Some may be because hens are frustrated by new chicks, but I think...
  18. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I was thinking about how two chicks have already escaped from the A-frame brooder...none of the previous hatch did that! Must be the source of the eggs... :pop
  19. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    More Skywalkers?! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
  20. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    It happened again... when I got home Rahab only had three chicks, the yellow one had gotten out of the back of the brooder. Thankfully it was just trapped between the board and the rack. :barnie So I went to work. Before: There were refrigerator racks leaning against a 6" board. It was...
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