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  1. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    X2 to what U_Stormcrow said
  2. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    They'll definitely eat the oregano. Mine love it
  3. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    I never have egg taste problems! Always tastes normal
  4. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    Me either, I know it's good and that's all that matters. Not here to argue with people, I just wanted to help you!
  5. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    It's ok, sorry it got a bit out of hand! I can delete my posts if you'd like!
  6. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    I have a herb garden with Thyme, Oregano, lavender, and Basil. When I had Oregano oil I'd add a bit to the waterers, but as you said, you must be careful when using Essential oil. I definitely want to get more oil for emergencies though. I never heard that Thyme is antimicrobial.....interesting
  7. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    I may add that as a prevention Oregano is MUCH more useful then as a treatment.
  8. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    Thank you for taking the time to get all this information! ❤️
  9. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    It is!! I love hearing my EE coo and when my silkie sits on my's the best
  10. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    Sometimes I put herbs in the waterer for them! Also I make scrambled egg with herbs....they are SOOOOO spoiled lol
  11. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    I bet they love it!! Mine go crazy for herbs!!
  12. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    You can Google studies and multiple websites. Don't tell me the 5 websites I read are wrong
  13. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    If these people would take to Google, and not rely on us to find links for them, then they would see all these things.
  14. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    I don't know, if ANYONE has questions, Google is happy to find the studies for you. I am busy, we gave a storm heading here, my chicken just passed away, and i can't go searching for links
  15. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    it was multiple blogs, and 1 said "studies have shown" but believe what you want
  16. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    For a week or two I give it everyday or for a different week or 2 I might not give it at all
  17. Pampered chicken girl

    How much oregano is good for chickens?

    Here are multiple websites. If you want more proof just Google if oregano is good for chickens
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