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  1. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I started growing regular yarrow last year. It's still doing well and has actually spread via seed dispersion to my EWO bed next door to the yarrow bed. I also seeded 2 new yarrow beds (Fruitbowl and Love Parade from Bakers). Neither has been successful. However I felt just as excited when I...
  2. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I saved a lot of dried basil and butterfly pea from last year in mason jars. I will cut some lemon balm and dry it in the same manner. There's just so. much. of. it. Sheesh.... I'm glad I put it in a raised bed or it'd be taking over. I already know it's in the mint family and so prone to...
  3. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    How is everyone's herb garden coming along? My lemon balm is going CRAZY. It's an enormous bush right now. I'm not sure what to do with it... 😂 Parsley, Pineapple mint, spearmint, Oregano, Sesame, Flax, and Lemon Thyme are all doing well. Very healthy. The Basil, Chamomile, Dill, and Sage...
  4. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    Last spring I dumped an entire seed packet of lemongrass into a tire bed. It grew this giant pampas-grass-like swell of grass. Then we got a freak polar vortex over the winter (-20 below) which killed off pretty much everything. The lemongrass turned dead brown. This weekend I finally got around...
  5. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I have a dehydrator but I haven't used it for herbs. I've simply air dried my herbs last year - sweet basil, butterfly pea, and stevia.
  6. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I have a couple new herbs I'm trying this year... Sesame Black seed (often called black cumin although it's not cumin)
  7. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I'm hoping that my Rosemary will regrow but I'm really worried that the polar vortex nuked it... 😕 The only other herbs out there right now are the mint (pineapple and spearmint), curly parsley, lemon balm, and lemongrass. Everything looks dead. I did save a cutting of sweet basil which is safe...
  8. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    Why not try Amaranth? I don't know why someone would claim butterfly pea is toxic to ducks. I've never heard that and don't know of any compounds in it that could lead someone to that idea... I've never tried to see if my ducks would eat it. I've given some to my goats, rabbit, and chickens...
  9. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    Pretty sure they are. They are edible and safe for people so I'm guessing they are safe for chickens too. However my chickens aren't interested in them at all... I use mine for tea. They have some awesome nutritional value.
  10. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    Great idea! Thank you for the solution! I will do that....
  11. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    My garden is too big to use hardware cloth. So next year I'm going to plant them in a container instead of in the ground. I will just need to be very particular about what gets put into the ground until I can dispose of the goobers.
  12. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I've always struggled with chives. They hate me. (So does lavender and chamomile for that matter.) I've tried to grow it from both seed and started plants. This year I THOUGHT I was going to get a good, healthy section of chives inside my hoop house....until my dreams of fresh chives were dashed...
  13. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I have a concrete floor, but it is covered by 4" of sand which absorbs moisture and odors so smell isn't a problem. However, I do have some girls who LOVE roosting in the nesting boxes and poop in them. 😒 They are filled with shavings & straw. That smells. So maybe I should put some dried...
  14. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    Same... Herb seeds don't do well for me either. I quit wasting money and just bought some small starts. Sadly I did not get time to really dry anything except some basil and butterfly pea. I really wanted to dry some lemon balm, mint, and make some essential oils from lemongrass. Oh well...
  15. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    Mimosa grows like crazy around here. I don't have any on my property but the wooded lot across the street has one so I'm going to steal a limb and root it. I also have some seed pods.
  16. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I'm trying to learn how to make my own essential oils... This was supposed to be my first attempt this week but the Chinese took a pot shot at my operation... 😂 I ordered a home distiller and all the instructions were in Chinese. Sent it back....
  17. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    What do you do with it? I have never used it before. I've seen it in soda drinks, etc but I don't drink stuff like that so I've never had it
  18. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    Basil does not like cold. I believe you are supposed to bring it indoors if you keep it through winter. I took cuttings from mine to propagate. Supposedly seeding produces different plants from the parent, I think. I may be remembering a different herb...
  19. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I saw a recipe this evening that looked really good. They infused some basil in olive oil, put it on a sliced baguette with some seasoning. Looked absolutely delicious.
  20. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    My favorite tea is the Zen made by Tazo. It's a mix of spearmint and lemon verbena with green tea. So delicious! 😍
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