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  1. Ascholten

    All about garden herbs

    Right now my herbs are totally cooked from the hard freeze. This is good though because I want to re do things. instead of one huge mess, now that I know how easily they can get out of control when they are fertilized good, I am goint to do two totes here. 1. Eating herbs, stuff for yummies. 2...
  2. Ascholten

    All about garden herbs

    Those two books are VERY good indeed! There is another one I forget the name, ill get it when I goto the farm saturday and do my volunteer stuff. mints, my chocolate just up and died as well. I think it's meant to grow, you pick it and let it keep making it's NEW stuff, and NOT let the old...
  3. Ascholten

    All about garden herbs

    keep the soil moist, but not wet. let it dry out between watering. it can take a damp environment just does not like standing in soggy. They like id call it 'medium power' sunlight too. They do ok in shadier areas, not too happy in full on sunlight, do their best with say half of the days...
  4. Ascholten

    All about garden herbs

    Ideally I wanted to have TWO herb gardens. yes two isolated seperate gardens. one food and spices, the other medicinal. Ive been doing a bit of studying and there are plants that server several medicinal purposes. one does blood pressure reduction, some to help with thyroid, some stress...
  5. Ascholten

    All about garden herbs

    Ginger is easy, you pretty much can almost ignore it, just keep it moist, tumeric the same thing. Ginseng now that's an entirely different world. Expensive as hell to get a good one and it takes a while. The seeds alone can take a better part of a year to germinate, then a few years to get...
  6. Ascholten

    All about garden herbs

    Well, I had a garden that was supposed to be an herb garden but I kind of did not pay attention to it. The oregano is fighting with the mint over who owns the lower nether world of my herb garden. The goji is fighting with the one that taste like root beer leaves over who gets to weed out to...
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