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  1. Silkiesaz

    BEST ROOSTER CONTEST! - ends September 8th 2022-

    Entry 2 Name: Mr. Pickles Age: Almost a year Breed: Silkie Fun fact: He was supposed to be a hen and he was originally named Princess! Then he crowed...
  2. Silkiesaz

    BEST ROOSTER CONTEST! - ends September 8th 2022-

    Entry 1 Name: Terry the Terrorbird Age: 1 years Breed: Rhode Island Red Fun Fact: He never holds still for a pictures! This is quite possibly the best picture I have ever gotten of him. 😂
  3. Silkiesaz

    BEST ROOSTER CONTEST! - ends September 8th 2022-

    I will enter later. I gotta get some good pictures of my roos.
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