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  1. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    and for those who put their faith in Politifact -
  2. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    YES. The US culls for any positive test for H5 or H7. I suspect that's what you were looking for. Bad Google Scholar, Bad! /edit the States are free to do otherwise, but the $ from the Feds encourages them to toe the proverbial line.
  3. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    Well, if its under 75% death rate, and its Influenza type A, we just don't call it "HPAI" - its LPAI. 'Cause that makes it all better, right? /sarc
  4. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    Actually, the CDC claims UP TO 90-100% mortality, in this sentence: Those two short words do a lot of work in that sentence, even with HPAI being defined as cases greater than 75% mortality in lab testing. Those two words also seem to get left out of a lot of HPAI reporting. As does the fact...
  5. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    Still wrong. I'll help, maybe then things will become more clear. 1] HPAI is DEFINITIONAL. The World Organization for Animal Health (the OEI), defines HPAI in three parts (though is reviewing the third, as some recent presentations have defied the definition): A) The disease is caused by...
  6. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    In the case of HPAI, we DO NOT. In the case of Mareks, destroy the flock, cleanse the ground, start over.* As a policy, Marek's vaccinations (while available) are not broadly encouraged. *People who view their chickens as pets are seemingly willing to spend a lot of money to maintain a...
  7. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    Nice theory. Only there isn't a broadly effective vaccine, the first one approved in the US wasn't till 2007, was only effective against some H5N1 strains, and the US Gov't (among others) DISCOURAGES its use. More recently, some bivalent (meaning mostly effective against two strains) and...
  8. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    Among the most obvious 1) that HPAI is something that can be identified with specificity by analysis of the infecting virus. 2) that only HPAI-infected flocks are culled. 3) someone seems to have offered an erroneous figure for HPAI mortality, which you have accepted.
  9. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    You don't believe it because you've made a number of very erroneous assumptions. Not surprising, you have to hunt a bit to find out much about why they cull the birds that they do, and why the numbers don't match up with some of the worst claims about HPAI. Do you want an education, or are you...
  10. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    Yes, testing continues. Commercial testing continues as part of the regulations governing the keeping of large flocks intended for the food supply, while voluntary NPIP particpants like myself, who are more widely spread across the states are tested twice yearly (at least, 2x a year here in...
  11. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    I understood your question, which is why I pointed out that I wasn't defending the competence of the government agency in their response.
  12. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    They are often effective in the short term - which satisfies many. As does feel-good ignorance.
  13. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    The electorate would never allow the Government to do that. Nor would the Gov't have the courage to consider it - even if we could reasonably predict how long we'd have to suffer thru a chicken shortage before herd immunity began to arise.
  14. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    I didn't claim they were competant. Governments in Europe, as well as Isreal, ARE culling wild bird populations. The US isn't there yet.
  15. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    These policies predate the formation of the United States. They are part of the core police power of Goverment to protect its members from threat - quarantine and culling goes back to the 14th century in the Western common law tradition. Similar policies exist all over the world, as is readily...
  16. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    Testing is perpetual. There is a national AI monitoring program performed in coordination with numerous Gov't agencies, as well as voluntary participation of the States and individual participants by way of the NPIP program. I too would like negative sample numbers.
  17. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    No, they will (if they are good) tell you you haven't got a case. Or they will empty your wallet in a losing crusade.
  18. U_Stormcrow

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    My condolences on your loss. The cull is, in the view of the State, necessary to remove a reservior of highly fatal disease from the environment as a way to reduce the risk that it is spread to commercially important poultry flocks, devastating the industry in the State, and helping to create...
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