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  1. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    But, but, but, it’s really yummy… okay I’ll have 3rds….
  2. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    /sideways glance w/slight smirk “What-da You think?” :caf
  3. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Leftovers are the “Foodie” version of a Zen Garden. When they are mixed together & reheated for a unique flavor combo, “in that moment” is all You have.
  4. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    A Thai influenced stew-like mix in the instapot: 1st in the bottom went to can of soup & some hot water 2nd went the chopped up sweet potato (all of it) 3rd was the “manager special” Chicken kabob (chunks of white meat, bell peppers and onions) 4th chopped up 1/2 a bunch of celery 5th was the...
  5. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    A return to a very well loved dessert recipe: Hello Dollies If you scroll back to post #188 & 190 you can see version [3.1] of the hybridizing. Today is now a different direction. Sooo…. Version [4.0 Heart shape, 4.1 square & 4.2 small loaf tin] The base has ALWAYS been a staple: Crushed...
  6. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Pantry-Puhloooza 1st things 1st. This is a leftover roll over quad-plex. Started with a can of the veg-all, a 10oz bag of frozen green beans & 1 cup of rice & curry blend plus other seasons in the instapot. At the same time, these breaded pork chops are in the toaster oven. Had a...
  7. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    It’s multi-layered chicken soup today. The base was a package of Kroger brand “stir fry” veggies with a teriyaki (sp) sauce that also had several strips of cracked pepper bacon across the top of it. Had a bunch of cabbage in it. 2nd go-round added some more cabbage shredding, chopped up some...
  8. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    So this is the quantity of powders before I put boiling water on it for overnight to enjoy tomorrow on breakfast.
  9. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Hot oatmeal reboot! Oatmeal in hot water to soak overnight with ~3/4” thick pad of butter Just now added ~1.5 tsp turmeric 6-7 shakes of cinnamon ~1/8th tsp of black pepper ~1/16 tsp cayenne pepper ~1/6 tsp smoked paprika Some honey to sweeten “just enough above the cayenne.” The *warmth* can...
  10. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Trying an experiment I read on a Backyard chicken group…. Bacon fat soaked raw oats They do this to give as a treat for their flock. I’m okay that’s cool so it’s not drained down the sink or throw away… then while it’s soaking I thought, ”wait…. The fat soaked in oats, mixed with sausage and...
  11. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Return to breakfast yummies Bacon cooked “just enough” And the hybrid pancake/waffles Dubbed pan-ffle or more preference towards waff-cakes. This batch is 50/50 GF & non-GF flour (Ran outta GF flour) 6 eggs A pre-mixed batch of my yogurt on steroids as the base for the waf-cakes. 1/3...
  12. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Todays addition… just a combo of like 4 leftovers from the freezer. Leftovers from the freezer, & a single pound of Kroger ground pork(manager special sticker) from at least a month ago -/- leftover from a box of Zatarain’s “Red beans & rice” with a little pulled pork from at least June -/-...
  13. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Today, from the “meh. Sounds like a good idea at the time” files. 3 ingredients & 2 *seasonings Instapot in slow oil mode… 1 lb Kroger ground pork 1 lb shaved pork (deli style still partially frozen) 1 large head of cabbage chopped up ~16-18oz of water
  14. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    I routinely make GF yummies too.
  15. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Okay… it’s been a few minutes…. I went & did an instapot leftover stew: — Some rotisserie chicken (deboned) — Pulled pork — 2 cans green beans — 1 big can of mixed veggies — 2 cups of homemade chicken broth (just finished defrosting) — a small box of froze spinach & cheese ravioli My 1st...
  16. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Some of my Better-half’s amazing pasta sauce (from scratch) with chicken & roasted tomatoes was the main part of this concoction… Added the large bag of veggies that had been frozen for quite some time. Added a couple chicken Apple sausage that were the last of the bag(sliced up) Added 2 cups...
  17. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Waffle-cake hybrid version 44.12 Refined a bit more with few ingredients. 1 cp GF flour 1cp basic flour 1/4 cp graham cracker crumbs 1/4 cp coconut flakes 1/4 cp hemp seeds 1/2 cp cacao nibs 1 cp pumpkin purée 1/4 tsp baking powder & soda 1 lg pinch Himalayan salt ~1/3 cp sugar 8 eggs 2 cp...
  18. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    You may have heard of “Bagels & lox” well. It in and of itself is a amazingly delicious treat. Not to be held back… I have done the Pantry-Pahloooza” version 3.0 of this yummy mix. 2.0 -2.9 have been done before but, sadly not documented. This is a salmon filet baked with this Cilantro & Lime...
  19. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    Pantry-Pahloooza burrito 1st) 2 Frozen rotisserie chickens wedged in the instapot to be steam-thawed & make some broth Below them are two ziplock bags of previously cCopped bell peppers (green, orange & red) & Chopped white onion “Pulled rotisserie chicken” Gouda-pimento cheese Cilantro finely...
  20. electrycmonk

    Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids

    And a very late start to dinner tonight…. Yeah it’s after 10PM here. Rotisserie chicken was in instapot getting steamed a few hours ago. Created 2.5 cups of broth. Making rice is usually 2cups water to 1 cup rice as I recall. So, 1 cup broth & 3 cups water… with this picture of added accents...
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