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  1. tiffanyh

    Realistic Run Space/Coop Space for Urban Coops

    Suburbanhomesteader, Great tractor. I am curious how many chickens you have? And I assume they are comfortable in there (why wouldnt they be!) spacewise. Thanks for the post!
  2. tiffanyh

    Realistic Run Space/Coop Space for Urban Coops

    That makes sense, I was thinking that also What about you other suburban chicken owners, how much coop and run space do you have for your happy chickens?
  3. tiffanyh

    Realistic Run Space/Coop Space for Urban Coops

    Woodland Woman, Is that there coop or run, or is that the "whole"? I was just looking at another post about a tractor with 6 chickens in a 8ishx4ish it looked like. That would be 32ish sq/ft so about 5 to 6 sq/ft per bird. Now that is the run and coop space. We seem to "allow" less spacing in...
  4. tiffanyh

    Realistic Run Space/Coop Space for Urban Coops

    Okay, I have read a ton of post and the general consensus is 4sq/ft per bird on coop space and 10sq/ft per bird on run space. Even if they free range, it seems people cut down on the coop space to 3 sq/ft and still 10sq/ft of run space (for standards). From what I gather, a lot of members live...
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