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  1. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    This is from this morning, but the poor boy almost didn't make it to breakfast again, he was so weak 😩
  2. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    An offer of apology for the lack of Casper content lately--one handsome and fluffy loaf: I've sort of been running around like a madwoman lately with all the stuff I have going on at the moment. I'm okay and everything, just terribly busy! Funny, June is usually my busy month out of the year...
  3. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Oh, haha, well you got me! 🤭 To be fair, I didn't think you really thought that based on your wording, it's just that honesty is very important to me and I do get a bit insecure about how I come off in that regard sometimes 😅 Especially when it comes to things like how unbelievably handsome...
  4. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Ah, to be able to sleep like a cat... 🥰
  5. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Haha, they really do pop in that picture! :love I don't do any adjustments on his pictures (other than sometimes I will use the eraser tool to get rid of crud on the floor if I haven't vacuumed recently :oops: ), but the phone might be doing something on its own to give that effect. The curtain...
  6. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Went up to check on the incubator and found one handsome guy lounging nearby 🥰
  7. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    I guess his personality translates well in his pictures. He's every bit the goofy, elegant, adorable, handsome, completely ridiculous guy he appears to be in his pictures. He's truly the light of my life 🥰 ...Even when he steals my seat for about the millionth time. :rolleyes:
  8. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Swooping in with another 10 days or so of Casper pictures I've neglected to post. Been busy lately, struggling a bit to keep up with everything. But, of course, I definitely am keeping up with taking Casper pictures. It's just remembering to post them that's the problem. 😅 Sleepy guy :love...
  9. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    He's pretty dramatic about car rides in general, I'm not sure it'll matter what you put him in or what snacks you provide for the trip. 🤣
  10. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Close-ups this morning. He was not amused. 🤭 Look at that perfectly boopable nose, though 🥰
  11. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Sort of an updated version of one of my favorite pictures I've ever gotten of him from way back around his first birthday (quoted above). 🥰 Look at how much he's grown since then!!
  12. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    All tuckered out 🥰 @RoyalChick Tummy fluffed, just for you. :love It clearly did not upset him much 🤭
  13. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Haha, I did brush his belly right after taking that picture since he was laying like that, and he did not mind at all 🤭 Gotta take those opportunities while you can. Next time I'll fluff him up just for you. 🥰
  14. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Completely and unabashedly ridiculous 🥰
  15. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    Sitting in the window again :love
  16. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    A gentle reminder that I forgot to make his bed this morning :rolleyes:
  17. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    He would be a rather persuasive salesman, wouldn't he? :love I'll take the whole stock!! 😍
  18. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    I feel like he's about to try to sell something to me 🤭
  19. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

    I know, I about died when I snapped it!! :love How does he have the energy to be so stinking adorable all the time?
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