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  1. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    People who complain about the length of my dog's nails. Yes, I KNOW they're long. That's why I'm going to the groomers...
  2. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    I remember when I was 5. I knew my first name but not my last one, LOL. Yeah, I could imagine how annoying that would be after the umpteenth time!
  3. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    Out here in my neighborhood we have a problem with people using the trash... and when it runs out, they use our trash and everyone else's. Then they leave their old mattresses in OUR garbage area. One or two things I don't mind, but we're talking entire wardrobes and kitchen stuff. JUst... no. No!
  4. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    THIS! I've come so many people who tell me how to do my art and they are less... errrr... skilled or have no talent at all. And it's not just a suggestion of something like color. Hun, I've been drawing for as long as I've Been able to scribble AND I'm a professional artist. I know what I'm doing...
  5. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    Slow shipping. You wait a month for shipping and it still comes late. AAAARG! (First world problems, I know, but it's so anxiety riddled!)
  6. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    I like to use 'dah'lin' sometimes.
  7. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    Great come back :D.
  8. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    One of my biiiiig pet peeves are people who come up to me while I'm t=drawing or combing my hair and say 'SMILE! You look more beautiful then!'. I'm sorry, but If I'm doing something that needs concentration, I'm not going to smile for you or anyone. **Shudders**
  9. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    YES! THIS!
  10. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    YES! Or they smack real loud while chewing **Shudders**. I feel like grabbing their cheeks and yelling 'I've been with whole herds of cattle that chew cud less loudly than you!' LOL!
  11. Vampiric_Conure

    Pet Peeves

    THIS! Clothes that clash! The artist in me goes 'NOOooooOOOOOOOO! Must color coordinate correctly! ' **Pulls out the spray paint can and shakes it**
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