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  1. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    One thing I personally find very annoying, is calling roosters roos. Why? Because here a roo is a Kangaroo. The benefits of being on the other side of the world! 🤣 (not saying there is anything wrong calling them that, every country has different words for things ❤️ )
  2. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    People finding ten year old posts, and making unhelpful/rude/of topic comments.
  3. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    When its midnight, one has a cold, and can't get to sleep.
  4. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    I don't like to think they are a problem, but they are here. The weeds are devastating, turning whole pristine grasslands into a carpet of poisonous weeds. It wouldn't be that hard to just wash off their trucks? The countryside in spring has been changed forever, and its bad for the native bees...
  5. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    I have got a real pet peeve! Beekeepers! Ok, I like bees as much as anyone, but there is a big problem with how they are managed. The beekeepers move their bees around, following where the flowers are; which most of the time are weeds. (and pretty bad weeds at that!) but at other times, they go...
  6. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    Well, here there were to roads, both with the same name. 🤷‍♀️ One on one side of us, and we are on the other, so everyone would go looking for our house on the other road. However, finally, a few years ago they came to their senses, and named our road something else. Not all the maps have got...
  7. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    One thing that I find very annoying, is when one is overtaking someone on the highway, hardly going over the limit, in a nice safe manner, and then you see a car coming in the distance. So then you need to select a gap to go move in, and one choses a nice big one, and the car you are moving in...
  8. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    Personally, I don't really care what other people think as long as I am happy in my own mind. If they think one thing happened, and you think another thing happened, so what? I don't see it matters.
  9. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    As I don't know the difference between them, I could well be guilty of this :oops:
  10. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    I know, I don't have a very good example, but how they use it its like its only the babies that are chickens. They seem to think that one has roosters, hens, and chickens. (which are the babies) Sorry I wasn't more clear :)
  11. Sussex19

    Pet Peeves

    I hate it when people call chicks 'chickens'. As in, my hen just hatched 5 chickens... I mean, that is the whole species!
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