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  1. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    My pet peeve is tailgaters. Why must people get up your fluffy butt while driving?
  2. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    Yep been there…
  3. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    I am a hot humid and hazy person so no problem 😊 I am already missing being able to wander around with summer clothes, such a pain when it gets cold to have to wear so much clothing to stay warm.
  4. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    Yep those negative Nelly, Debbie downers. And drama queens - everything is such a production! I have a chicken like that 😁
  5. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    In that case yes you would have rather nicer weather in the winter 😊 tho I bet that summers are even more hot and humid 🥰
  6. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    Don’t know where NOLA is, but if you get lovely nice weather daily you are indeed fortunate, soon enough here it will be winters icy grip, an snow will wrap the earth in a glistening white mantle. “In winter's tedious nights sit by the fire With good old folks, and let them tell thee tales Of...
  7. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    Wind My pet peeve is wind I hate wind, and snow, and rain, and winter… oh and ice. I think that about covers it!
  8. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    Pet peeve: People who are those extra special ‘rays of sunshine’. You know. - the Debbie downer negative nellies.
  9. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    Since so many things irritate me I just ignore everything now. Of course now I am irritated because I am not irritated by anything - go figure!
  10. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    07:30…. 😆
  11. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    Ya seriously!!!! I became so bad with IT trying to trick us that my boss and I started missing important meetings because we just started deleting everything without reading it 😆 Seems everyone else were doing the same thing! IT got blasted for their trickery 🤨
  12. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    We get 'citiots' here and when I am out riding they honk and wave OMG!!!!! My Arab mare gets all freaked out and they stop and yell 'oh look at the pretty horse dancing'... 🙄🙄🙄
  13. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    My pet peeve is people who signal AFTER they make a lane change... What is that? An after thought??? 😆
  14. Ponypoor

    Pet Peeves

    Here they dig holes in horse and cattle paddocks, and they can step in the hole and break a leg ☹️. If I see one in my paddocks I encourage it to leave.... Non lethally of course.
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