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  1. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Just some quick updates! The group is turning 5 weeks starting today, with 1, 2, and 3 crossing the mark today. The little voices are starting to change so it might still be a bit early but we might spend some time this weekend seeing if we can pinpoint who is a boy or girl although we have our...
  2. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Actually we ended up taking them...! (see the rest of the thread). They're doing good but we lost 1 (little number 4). They're all 4 weeks old as of today actually! Here's some photos from Friday. \ Here's little number 6 being a good snuggle duck. Let me know how the hose strategy goes!
  3. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    I bought a huge thing of brewers yeast with garlic a while back so I've just been using that as a supplement for some time now (mostly for the adults). For the ducklings, we were adding vitamin-b complex to their drinking water + the brewers yeast in the food. It seemed to be fine for a while...
  4. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    They're doing good! We were pretty worried with the heat wave that came through, it got up to about 117 here and was over 110 for 5 days, so we were freezing ice in old juice jugs and putting it in their drinking water, and we set up a mister and put it in the duck run for everyone during the...
  5. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Our ducks never seemed to like being sprayed directly (except one, she likes to take baths in the rain so she seems to like it) but everyone else loves to play in the sprinkler. On some of the warm days we've been turning the sprinkler on and they take turns running in and biting at the water!
  6. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Of course! They're in the duck run which is shaded, but I notice that it's warmer than under the willow tree currently. I came home early from work and let them out for an hour or so, but they're back in the run now and when I checked on them 3 or 4 were panting. They've got a little tub of...
  7. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Hello! I just wanted to update on how everyone is doing! @Miss Lydia in your last photo, do your ducks play with the ball you have hanging up? I was thinking about getting ours some toys for them to play with. Everyone is doing really good! I always forget how quickly they grow. As of Saturday...
  8. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Hello! Pretty quiet day today although my SO took the ducklings outside for some supervised water time which was their first outside adventure. We didn't get them moved into the bigger brooder area but will probably get them moved over tomorrow...they're getting so big so quick! I think I'm...
  9. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Hello! Just a quick update. No change in #5's eye, started off with a spray this morning but before bed we had everyone out for zoomie bath time, #5 got a good wet/zoomed around and then we put some of the teramycin on. We're going to do 2 doses a day for 3 days and see if there's any...
  10. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Thank you both for your kind words, it was really heartbreaking to see him slowly wasting about, but the other ducklings are a huge comfort and it's also a relief to know that any suffering he was in is over now. Yes the vetricyn is the specific one for eye use! It says for use on "all breed...
  11. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Unfortunately a sad one. Today just before noon little #4 passed away. I was gone at work but my SO was with him all day and was with him when he passed. She was holding him and he started peeping, and looked up, started to spasm and then was gone. He was very excited to hatch and was very...
  12. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Here's a little group photo from last night right before bed! Bad news about #4. It seems he's not taking food or water today. We keep getting him to try and at least drink some, but he will just fall asleep and his head/bill dip into the water. He's so weak, his little legs are floppy and...
  13. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    We slipped non-fertile eggs under her after day 28 when she seemed to abandon the nest...we were hoping she would get back on and wanted to keep her broody but didn't want the ducklings to perish. She did keep sitting but only for about 2-4 hours a day, and when we brought the first couple of...
  14. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    That sounds really sad...I've never ordered from mail just because I don't think my heart could take it. I think we might try the scrambled egg later today just so we have tried everything. #4 still isn't doing well, he seemed to be eating and drinking even less than yesterday, but just before...
  15. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    If he's away from someone for too long he'll come toddling over (he likes to be held), so we'll hold him and let him doze for a little bit and then place him next to his water/food. I'm going to try giving him a couple more drops of nutri-drench before bed time tonight and then give #5 a bath...
  16. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Actually yes! Most of the food he does eat is food sprinkled in his water, it's just that he stops eating pretty quick and falls back asleep or just stands there and dozes off.
  17. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Thank you! They're all very friendly. It seems the "special" ones are the friendliest...4 and 5 both love to chat and like to be around us the most it seems so far! Everyone else is getting the zoomies and learning that water is fun. 1, 2, and 3 are already noticeably bigger. We've been giving...
  18. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Just a couple more quick updates. #5 seems to be doing pretty good, the goop is coming off slowly and he is able to open his left eye somewhat now. We're going to keep treating him and see how he does. I'm really only worried about the eye right now but it seems to be improving. #4 is just...
  19. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    Hello! We had a couple more hatch last night so we had 5 ducklings waiting for us in the incubator this morning! 8 & 9 look really healthy, just tired. 6 & 7 were both fluffy and looked ready to come out, they're doing really well with the siblings. We left #5 in until everyone else was...
  20. Galaxyfalcon

    Need Help — duck abandoning eggs after 28 days. The ducklings are about to hatch!

    When caring for the eye, should I try to avoid getting anything directly in the eye? I'm also worried about all the gunk the little guy has stuck to him. #6 and #7 both came afterwards and they're looking much healthier. Any advice on how/when to try cleaning up the goop and shell bits? How long...
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