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  1. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    It would make me happy if people stopped arguing here. The happy vibes need happiness to thrive.
  2. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    Yes, back on topic would be nice. It was another unseasonably warm and sunny day, so I took another half day off at work :) . I have a cat purring in my ear. I found a rosemary plant for my mother at the grocery store.
  3. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    Had an opportunity to tell an office friend just how much of an impact she has had in my recent life just by being her wonderful self. Little did I know how much she needed to hear those words today. ❤
  4. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    got to work and realized I had 2 eggs in my coat pocket from this morning :) good for a chuckle
  5. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    Amaryllis is in full flower.
  6. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    The raise that my employer has been dangling in front of us for 4 YEARS has FINALLY been pushed through. They call it the Compensation Modernization project. Whatever :rolleyes: . I'm getting a $5 raise WHOOHOOO! (still not a ton of money, especially with inflation, but I'll take it!)
  7. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    Working from home due to freezing rain - watching the snow melt despite the nice to wake up to double digits. Even better to go out to the animals this morning to find the water buckets didn't freeze at all last night 💚 Looking forward to not having to change water 4 times a...
  8. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    A full day off from both jobs, time to work on Ancestry, dinner with a good friend, and a contented kitty purring beside me now. Soul is fed.
  9. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    My dad and I went to our local art gallery to see an exhibit using egg tempora paint techniques. Ran into a friend there, and had a nice visit.
  10. Tahai

    What made you happy today?

    Spent quality time with my dad this morning working on the new chicken coop <3. He's aging, so every shared moment is precious.
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