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  1. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    100% But you know, the "second-hand" ignorance/abuse is the one that really gets to me. When parents buy animals for kids and expect them to care for them without teaching them or helping them. I see it on here waaaay too often and it makes me so mad. Not only does the animal end up suffering...
  2. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    After a certain point, ignorance will often lead to it. Never understood why people take on animals without educating themselves.
  3. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    Eh, every trend eventually has its backswing. Just imagine them them attempting to communicate with their own children... Gen Z as a parent: Omg, Idk how 2 tty Zaelieghesme... Child: Mother, how can you expect meaningful communication without appropriate vocabulary? Child: Also, please be...
  4. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    This?! I had completely forgotten about this one!
  5. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    Ha! I'm trying to work right now, but keep looking over my shoulder because DH has been rewatching old seasons. Love that show.
  6. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    Rocco's Modern Life was my jam, but I tried watching an episode a few years ago and wondered how in the world I could have loved it so much, lol.
  7. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    Wait, who's on first?
  8. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    As a mom of a 4 yr old, I can assure you (in the litteral sense) not only is a booger always a booger, often other substances vehemently declared "not boogers" are in fact, boogers.
  9. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    ...unsuspecting husband wakes up to 2 goats, a pig, and 6 chickens all trying to cram onto the couch... (3 hours later) "Hey guess what guys, I'm single!"
  10. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    Why get worked up about what someone else chooses to do when it has no bearing whatsoever on you?
  11. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    Ok, I'm with you on most of this... Except USDA certified products (and yes, there is still a great deal of room in their guidelines for smoke in mirrors) but they do lay out specific qualifications that producers must follow to get the seal...
  12. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    Its actually nitrogen meant to flush oxygen from the bag and prevent spoilage. It also protects the product from the manufacturer to the point of sale destination. The bags are packed into boxes like packing peanuts so that they cannot shift and thus damage more chips.
  13. Gizabelle

    Things you wish you could say

    Just saw another one of those "Good Dog" vids on FB where the owner calmly takes video while their dog (huge pit this time) faces off with an angry rattlesnake. Never tried to call him off. WTH?! Do you know how much antivenom costs or were you planning on just sacrificing your dogs life for likes?
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