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  1. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Happy belated Thanksgiving to you!🦃
  2. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Yep.:thHowever, there's no wind and the sun's out here. It's nice enough most of the girls are outside dusting and running around. (I wouldn't be, but I'm happy they want to be.) :p
  3. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    I notice you're being neighbourly and sharing your cold temps. :p :gig I liked last week better, but at least it's not -35 C or something like that. :fl
  4. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Wow! Lots of activity. I've been behind. Hello everyone!! :frow Everyone's so far away.
  5. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Hi! Welcome to the thread! :frow I use the Carbaryl dusting powder by Domvet. It's been extremely effective for me. Our local Co op feed store carries DE as Michelle has mentioned in the post below.
  6. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    I can totally see your point. Thank you for that information! I'm a bit behind replying back to you.
  7. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Welcome Born! I'm quite a distance from both of
  8. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    So that's just for your chickens? That's really good to know, thank you. For the cattle and sheep I'm aware there is the premise id "request" so far (we have both types of livestock) but I'm not aware of it being a requirement in either Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We have not filled out to...
  9. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Thanks Michelle! That's interesting. Most of the time Ectiban is used for cattle and I didn't realize it was for chickens until everyone had to switch to Permethrin in the U.S. I've seen it in Saskatchewan, but behind glass. I keep forgetting to ask if a producer can use it. I'm glad the...
  10. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Hey everyone!:frow I've got a question/request. I'm familiar with the products that are available for mites/lice in Manitoba: Permethrin (Ectiban) Dusting Powder by Domvet (Carbaryl) Tetrachlorvinphos I'm familiar with some in Saskatchewan. I "believe" it's the same as Manitoba. I know...
  11. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Best of luck!!! I hope their are other ones the are in your area. Sounds very exciting! Good luck with replacing your other breeds! :)
  12. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Lol...hi Carol!:frow I just welcomed you on your introduction I see you already found this page.:highfive:
  13. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Welcome to the thread to all who have just joined I'm sure a is in order as well for most, if not all of you as well.
  14. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    There's none on kijiji? You know more places than I I'm no
  15. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Hello to everyone new!! Welcome to the thread!!
  16. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Hello again! Welcome to the Canadian thread! sure has been chilly. Not the best weather for baby Yet. They do well inside...but you'll be ready to get them outside when it's time. I know I always am. We just warmed up to -3C today from -18C yesterday. Hope it stays...
  17. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    That makes sense. I don't have any yet...but I'm always drawn in by the cool colors; black, white, blue and May I ask what breeds you have? It sounds very exciting if they're ones hard to find in Sask.
  18. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    @moving coops You're looking for GLW, correct? Kijiji is smoking and I found someone with SLW who ships. It's what I'm looking Getting in more trouble.
  19. Wickedchicken6

    Canadians check in here....

    Hi everyone! I'm totally late to the party... This thread was too far down for me to see what was going on. Welcome to the Canadian thread!!! Thanks moving coops for the shout out.
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