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  1. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Hey Quail Song, Maybe this will help? The Fraser Valley PPPSA The best thing I have done is join my PPPSA! Instant friends and contacts. Had my first emergency with a bird today and within an hour had someone from my club at my place, saving my...
  2. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    I don't breed yet, but will be showing in the fall! I have a gorgeous welsummer pullet that I have hopes for, as well as a partidge wyandotte bantam that might just be ok in the show room. What does everyone else breed/show?
  3. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Hi there! I am off to North Bay this Friday! I now we have members. Between souther Ontario and I thought I'd offer a "hitch hiking chickens" service! Anyone want/ need anything? I can drop off anywhere along the route. Just let me know. I have a one or two of mine I am taking to...
  4. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Hey! Glad to see so many new peeps on this thread! My chicks moved to the coop today! So excited. It's not even completely finished yet but I could not handle them inside for one more day! Is there a Canadian buy and sell page? One I have not been able to find? I don't know if it's ok or not...
  5. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Hi and welcome to all the new Canadian peeps! Nice to have you here! I am new to chickens...just got my first chicks two and a half weeks ago. Amazing how fast they grow! If anyone is looking for a welsummer cockerel, I have one for you! I got three wellies and two are little boys. Cross him on...
  6. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    They are here!!! 9 speckled sussex and three wellsummer. I have one hamburg on the way as well, lol! One got mixed in with my prez's chicks. I said on the way home that I wished I had grabbed he is bringing it over! They are loving the eco glow. You look in the brooder and see no...
  7. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Tomorrow is THE DAY!!! Getting the brooder set up right now! Get ready for a lot of pictures...I am so excited it's better than Christmas! I do have a question. Should I give the stress aid in the water right away? I am driving from London, so they will be about an hour in the car. Also, how...
  8. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Hey there, I am originally from Powassan! Cool! I am headed North the first week of July. I have a few friends that breed really nice polish and buff orps. I can put you in contact and if it works out I will deliver for you!
  9. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    It was fun!!! I stopped at the lavender farm on the way home...and William Dam. It was an expensive afternoon, lol! Such cool spots, though. A picnic would be would a trip to say...Barry Hill!!!! ROAD TRIP!!!
  10. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Just abbreviation, bit I'm sure the whole phrase I would be cool as well! Yay!
  11. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    See everyone tomorrow!! Reservations are under "BYC"! I will be there for 11:00!!!
  12. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Haha, post the link! I want to see the pic for the caption!
  13. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    So who all is coming on Saturday?? If I can get a head count I will call and make a reservation!
  14. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Look what came in the mail today! Counting down the days!
  15. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    @itsjess78 Hey! It was nice to meet you the other night! Next meeting we will have a nutrition expert to talk and answer questions!
  16. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    What is the head count for our day??? So exciting! We will have to take lots of pics!
  17. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    JekkaLynn, Please bring your nurseling! I nursed both of my children openly and uncovered for two years each. Very VERY pro-nursing! Nothing is more beautiful than a mama and baby in the act of nursing, any time, anywhere! I think you will find most on here to be the more "granola" type, I...
  18. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Hi there, If you are interested in Orpingtons I know someone that has some lovely birds. He shows them and they do quite well, really nice colour on these birds. He is in the Paris area. Let me know if you are interested and I will get in touch for you!
  19. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Hey ISA4drew, I will PM you with the details. I am the secretary of the club so I handle registering new members!
  20. Shesinthebarn

    Canadians check in here....

    Ok, perfect! Does not sound too complicated. Where do you get stress aid? From settlers? I usually use Quick Feeds, but maybe Settlers has more chicken stuff. Quicks is horse heaven, but not so much for poultry. Any brand preferences? For my horse I am a master feeds fan, but not too sure for...
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