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  1. charlotte-and-the-bees

    Chicken Necropsy Results - RIP Nervous Nelly

    My heart about dropped into my butt when the vet told me the cause of death was Marek's after already getting the ALV diagnosis. But yeah, very similar and same general care from here. Any issues in the rest of your flock?
  2. charlotte-and-the-bees

    Chicken Necropsy Results - RIP Nervous Nelly

    Oh no, just read this. I'm so sorry. Feel free to message me if you ever want to chat since we seem to be going through the same thing! We lost our beautiful Mille Fleur two weeks ago to Leukosis. You had it confirmed AVL versus Marek's? I know the latter tends to impact nerves more frequently
  3. charlotte-and-the-bees

    Chicken Necropsy Results - RIP Nervous Nelly

    Mostly same here, also in Washington. We did a PCR test through the vet that confirmed Leukosis on two of our living girls, but the pathologist called and said it was Marek's (despite negative Marek's test with the live girls). I told them about the testing we'd done and they said they present...
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