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  1. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    I love aquariums. The one in Chicago was really good, but the local smaller aquariums are fun as well. There's one in Pine Knoll Shores in NC that I have been to several times.
  2. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    I made a habit of always placing it in my left hand pocket, which works most of the time...
  3. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    Managed a decent photo with my Android phone!
  4. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    Look who turned up in my houseplants: I brought them inside 2 months ago...I wonder if this little one was an egg inside that pitcher?
  5. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    Discovered inside my coop last week, a Rat snake (about 5' long). I removed and rehomed it...they are wonderful rat/mouse/SNAKE predators. They don't eat chickens, just eggs or chicks :eek:
  6. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    Variegated fritillary
  7. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    Not the best picture, need to start taking my REAL camera with me in the gardens. First dragonfly of the year, possibly a Blue Dasher, or maybe even an Eastern Pondhawk...and probably very new to the world.
  8. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    This afternoon, near the bird feeders I saw something unusual. This little guy was completely still, and at first I thought he might be dead, but then I saw his eye move. I suspected he was a fledgling who was unable to fly well enough to get back to the nest. I took this photo with my...
  9. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    :D They do have a red belly, but it's more of a blush, way down by the legs. Here's a good example, stolen from the web:
  10. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    My favorite bird, the Chickadee. We have Carolina chickadees here in NC. They're a little smaller than their northern cousins the Black Capped chickadees, and they tend to slur their call/drawl! :cool:
  11. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    I recognize the henbit the bee is visiting! Howdy fellow Tarheeler.
  12. fuzzi

    Wildlife Photography

    I love the flakes, they add to the composition.
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