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  1. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    Some very mild caving in search of bats. This cave in particular was used as a hideout for spanish pirates in the 1600s to 1800s. They would spend many months here, gathering bat guano for all its useful properties, I think they used it to make gunpowder and explosives. Look up, see the bats.
  2. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    Alright, I got some ID on some of these guys, but not on all. The visit to this plantation was interesting... guided, by requirement. Our guide did not seem excited to be there. It was just us, and the one woman, taking us deeper and deeper into the brush and under tree canopies. It was here...
  3. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    The last of the birds of North Caicos shot. Some more artistic choices. That black one was called a cuban crow I believe. Leaving the cays, inward, toward the plantation. It is there we will find our reptile friends... I'm in the last photo- can you find me?
  4. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    More birds, clearly some kind of pelican, the osprey again, some flamingoes, and these curious little crabs. Can you spot the crab near my hand? So small!
  5. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    Are you ready for ocean birds?? A telephoto rental was used for this one. You know the one... the great big white one. Yeah. Anyways, we got some birds here. At one point, I identified them all. I labeled none of them, although I recognize the osprey. The iguanas were actually elusive...
  6. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography The Turks and Caicos rock iguana. Some local butterflies. Up north in the boundary waters, the butterflies seen are congregating around some natural source of salt.
  7. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    .. but the pictures are nice :D
  8. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    It is absolutely fraught with danger for chicken keeping. I think I have a pair of rough-legged hawks stalking my property right now. All of my predators are terrifying sky dinosaurs.
  9. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    More local wildlife, and pictures of those owls. They were raising a baby, so they were really easy to find, all the time. Plus, the bluejays would not leave them alone. Constant screaming. Could never tell which parent was which, sometimes I'd see both, but they were never in the same tree...
  10. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    Here are a few more local wildlife ones from the backyard. Wild turkeys, mature bald eagle, great blue heron, baby bald eagle, pileated woodpecker, great horned owl
  11. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    There are species of reptile that exist only there. The smallest python in the world lives in North Caicos, there is a species of iguana only found there, and a species of curly tailed lizard. Truly remarkable, it is one of the last places on earth that it is legal to harvest queen conch for...
  12. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    Thank you, I have more pictures, but I don't want to flood the thread with them. I have wildlife photos from remote regions of North Caicos that would be nice to share.
  13. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    Some waterfowl in the neighborhood... Merganser and her brood, wood ducks, great blue heron
  14. SarahLadd

    Wildlife Photography

    Great horned owls. Shot near my house.
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