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  1. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    Wow! Once I asked my deceased chicken Perri, if she was there - and a shooting star went across the sky, exact moment. It was night by the way. And the chickens started acting up, clucking and boking. She's passed over now though - I know.
  2. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    If so, did you get any response?
  3. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    Have any of you guys ever tried to communicate with a spirit? As in, even just telling them to go away?
  4. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    Amazing! There is so much about this world that we dont know 🌟
  5. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    I've heard about lightning balls. Usually related to thunderstorms. Saw it on a documentary. They usually come out of power point sockets. They fizzle and crackle. Thats probably one of them. or a spiritual orb.
  6. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    I believe she was 'in the coop with them'. Will have more info about perri experiences later. Afk for a bit :)
  7. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    Sorry, what do you mean? I dont understand sorry 😅 Notified about what?
  8. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    Wow. My chickens acted weird when I tried to address my deceased chicken. I said "Perri" and they all started clucking and going crazy.
  9. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    Wow! I feel like there is something special about you. I have a gut feeling. Always trust your gut.
  10. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    You must be the alien's pick! :lol:
  11. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    I would love to see it! Me and my dad LOVE alien investigating! We are always watching videos of ufos and stuff. Anyways, here is my dad's story................ It was when I was little, around six years old I think. Maybe even a fair bit younger. My mum and me were inside, along with my little...
  12. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    @MysteryChicken would you like to hear my dad's ufo story? :)
  13. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

    Oh my gosh! I never knew this thread existed! My father has had a UFO experience! I have had paranormal experiences with my deceased chicken, Perri! I can't wait to tell you all about it! May I join this thread? :)
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