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  1. jak2002003

    Mynah Bird Question.

    Thanks for that post. Love that photos of you and your Mynah bird. Where do you live? I am in Thailand. I am glad I did not clip my birds wings in the end. I would always be against wing clipping really myself. It was just the kind of unique living arrangement he is in (not being in the...
  2. jak2002003

    Mynah Bird Question.

    And a quick video of him taking off and using his UNCLIPPED wings.
  3. jak2002003

    Mynah Bird Question.

    I managed to get a few pics of him today. Here you go.....
  4. jak2002003

    Mynah Bird Question.

    OK, thank you for your information. I get it you are against wing clipping birds. Also I am a zoology graduate so know something about evolution and birds too. I worked at a zoo for several years, and that included caring for a large collection of parrots. You might be interested to know...
  5. jak2002003

    Mynah Bird Question.

    Wow... I just came back to check on my thread and so many replies!! I decided not to clip his wings as I realised that he does not use his beak to climb about like a parrot, so might get upset if he can't get about. I have got a smaller cage. I put this to the door of his cage and he hops...
  6. jak2002003

    Mynah Bird Question.

    Hi. I have a pet Hill Mynah bird (now about 1 half years old) and was thinking if it is OK the clip his wings (same way as people often do with parrots and parakeets)? Also interested to talk to anybody else who keeps this birds. Mine lives in our garden in a large home made cage. He...
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