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  1. MillersFarm

    The Best First Breed :The Buff Orpington

    Seizure perhaps? Heat stroke?
  2. MillersFarm

    The Best First Breed :The Buff Orpington

    I breed orpingtons for dual purposes, I use the hens for eggs, Sell chicks, And use the cockerels for meat. I'll keep a few here and there if I like their personality/looks. So yes, I like the cokerels mostly for their meat. I like to try and avoid buying chicken from markets and such since I...
  3. MillersFarm

    The Best First Breed :The Buff Orpington

    Psst, top pic is actually a pic of a cochin ;) Orpingtons are definitely one of my favorite breeds, Although I will admit i'm not too fond of the buff color.. I currently am breeding some lovely lavender orpingtons, Would love to add some chocolates or/and crele orpingtons.. They're such a...
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