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  1. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    My turkeys are molting. What a mess
  2. memphis

    Pigeon Talk startled with the missing leg thing! So your last pigeon is home?? And the killer hummingbird! That is funny
  3. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    What?? When? What happened? Poor bird
  4. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    BP....u getting any of this hurricane fall out? Been steady raining here since last night
  5. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Qwerty...did you ask that bird where he'd been for a week?
  6. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Thanks Bio. I need to investigate war stories
  7. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Heck....even just a special on their war percipitation would be interesting for a lot of folks.
  8. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Saw a special on hummingbirds. While interesting they just buzz around eating. Can you imagine a special on pigeons? The homing instinct, the war service the diversity. The theives! Is there amy bird more accomplished?
  9. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Makes no sense. Pigeons are so interesting but no one seems to want to study them.
  10. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Do these rollers roll on purpose? Do they fly without rolling?
  11. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Pyxis! Finally some naked pigeon pics! They are adorable
  12. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Neet is a cutie. Is he a house pigeon?
  13. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Love the bird in the blue bowl and the one out flying trying to steal other pigeons! LOL
  14. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Thief Pouters! Honestly the pigeon world is half crazy! But so much fun learning all this! BP....I'd lock my coop too. Easy way to prevent theft. Let's see some pics folks! You slackers! LOL. I could also use an Olive update!
  15. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    How funny! So stealing pigeons is a thing!
  16. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Wait! What? You send your males out to hit on the girls??
  17. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Bed head! LOL!
  18. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Yes we are still interested in Olive!! I miss getting Olive updates. Love that she comes when called. What a cutie
  19. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    Your right BP. They were fired upon regularly. Everyone knew if you saw a pigeon it was carrying a message. There is a story of von Richthofen following one on his way back up base trying to shoot it from his plane. Greatest WW1 pilot dueling with a pigeon. Oh the stories never told....
  20. memphis

    Pigeon Talk

    BP...poor bird. He is like a war pigeon! Let nothing deter him from his mission! Gosh I just love the pigeon war stories. They carried out an amazing mission! They need more credit. Some got recognized. Most not. Flying through a war zone I find incredible. Dang got me...
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