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  1. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    My guess would be she and another female are in a relationship and both laying in that nest. They may or may not hatch, pigeons aren't known for being super faithful to their mates so they could be lesbians but still have fertile eggs.
  2. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    You should see my back bedroom where Felix lived for a year. 1 pigeon kept as dust free as possible... Everything in that room is now light grey. I'm working my way through it cleaning as I go and trying to de-dust things as I can but it's a lot... I can't imagine having more than 1 in the house...
  3. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Lol, yep
  4. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    I've seen quite a bit of outrage on FB about it. But you're right, people that know what they are looking at aren't overly bothered
  5. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Yeah, I don't understand the outrage though. Either it didn't do something impressive and it's just another "sky rat" as most people think of them, or it did something so impressively stupid that it probably should be killed before it contributes to the gene pool.
  6. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    My way of thinking... If it was a USA bird, and for some reason decided to fly to Australia, despite the fact that it made an impressive flight, that's a pretty darn bad homing pigeon to have gone THAT far out of the way on a flight... Bad racing pigeons have been killed for less...
  7. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    I see some potential there. Take the floor out between the levels, use that wood to enclose the sides (will need more wood but every bit helps).
  8. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    But there was selective breeding done by humans before they were released. The feral cats all over the place live in the wild, have no human contact, and are not selectively bred, but they are still domesticated cats, it's actually in their scientific name that they are the domesticated...
  9. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Ok, for the rock doves. If they were wild where they where captured, then once captured, they would still be wild, If they (the same birds that were captured) then start reacting positively to humans, then they would be tame wild animals. An individual animal cannot ever be domesticated but they...
  10. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Yes, they are. Now, there are color changes that while being genetic were a natural change, like the moths that lived in the clean areas were tan and the ones that lived in polluted areas were dark grey, this is because the tan ones in the city were easy to see and got eaten more, the ones in...
  11. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk,within%20a%20single%20animal's%20lifespan. Here you go, there are actual genomic changes when an animal is domesticated and those changes will not revert entirely back to the...
  12. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Exactly, you can have feral domesticated animals like feral hogs, mustangs, feral cats, feral pigeons which are descended from domesticated stock but are now living in the wild without human care, they will never be wild as they will always have been descended from domesticated stock. You can...
  13. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Now, that probably wouldn't but I bet a Mexican Hairless would be just fine.
  14. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Not right now. I have a ton of animals and really no time (due to the animals) so I dont want to intentionally add anything right now, but if I find another hurt feral I can grab I will take it home. I actually have never looked to get an animal other than my first horse and my beta, the rest...
  15. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    And also, if the birds don't home they didn't want that DNA in THEIR lines! lol
  16. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Thanks, I had him jessed like a raptor and sitting on my hand.
  17. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Yep, this is my favorite one of him
  18. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    I honestly don't know if he was trying to kill the plant or the ants on it, either way, he was almost always over there attacking it through the mesh, you would look out the window and see the little bush shake and then see wings flap behind it. He was a weird little bird.
  19. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Yep, and I get to be all suspicious driving around with a dead body in my car... and hoping it stays somewhat cool and cloudy all day so my car doesn't reek when I get off work... I actually have a human cemetery at my farm and have been burying my horses around the outside of it as they die...
  20. Kusanar

    Pigeon Talk

    Well guys, I found Felix dead yesterday. RIP little guy. He was about 3 years old. No idea what happened to him, he had food, water, didn't feel thin when I picked up his body. He had been waging war with a mulberry seedling that was growing outside of his cage and attacking it through the...
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