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  1. mrsdszoo


    I would wait if I were you; very rarely does an assisted chick survive. Poking a hole inthe membrane could make things dry out faster,and shrink wrap the chick who might just be waiting for the rest of its yolk to absorb. Hatching is a long process, especially for observers! " A watched chick...
  2. mrsdszoo


    Hey everbody; Long time no chat! I took a longish hiatus fom the forums because life got all sorts of busy and complicated, but I missed y'all :-). I bet there are plenty of new folks, so "HI" to them, and what's new with everybody? I see Robo is experiencing the joy that comes with not having...
  3. mrsdszoo


    We grew carrots last year, and when the whole garden turned to an overgrown tangle of weeds, I found two rogue bell pepper plants and a handful of carrots in all the jungle of weeds! I wish wet had carrots and potatoes this year -I keep getting out voted on potatoes. We have onions and bell...
  4. mrsdszoo


    I hear ya! Our garden is drowning; the squash and pumpkins are dying off, the cucumbers are beginning to, and the tomatoes are all threatening to split before ripening! Lots of fried green tomatoes, I guess. The grass here doesn't care too much, but I'm having a heck of a time with other...
  5. mrsdszoo


    Here's the link to that thread; I just read it, and the information is sound. I cross-checked with the off-label instructions I have for worming shelter dogs (given to me by a vet who did the math for me), and it's almost the same...
  6. mrsdszoo


    Call Animal Control, the local vets, the Humane Society, and heck, maybe the local news. I wish i were closer; I'd be helping you look :(.
  7. mrsdszoo


    You can use the commonly available and popular Wazine, but there is controversy over whether or not to toss any eggs laid while on wormer and soon after worming. It does not contain any info on the label because it was not studied in laying hens. It is labeled for meat birds. I have wormed all...
  8. mrsdszoo


    Any word yet?
  9. mrsdszoo


    Hello and welcome to our new folks, and @Flowerbh and @Rocky Rhodes -LOVE the new Eighties chicks, lol! That's what polish remind me off with their "big hair"! I wish this heat would wasn't quite so intense; I mean I'm thankful we aren't having freezing weather, but I would like to not melt...
  10. mrsdszoo


    HOLY...well,...COW!!!! I do hope your cow comes back or is found fast! She's absolutely beautiful, but she sure is feisty!
  11. mrsdszoo


    I have Light Brahma, Buff Orpingtons, and maybe a pair of Easter Eggers I can part with; all between 3- 4 months old.
  12. mrsdszoo


    I managed to get afternoon farm chores done with only a few raindrops towards the end. It was eerie though, I could hear the rain moving towards me through the woods behind me, felt the wind, and knew I only had moments before the bottom fell out. It even creeped the chickens out, they all...
  13. mrsdszoo


    Oh good, my guesses were correct :). I had seven hatch, and I have two in the incubator still, just in case. They were due yesterday, and two hatched the day before, so it's not quite time to call it yet. I had one clear, two with early blood rings, and two quit right at lockdown. I'm thinking...
  14. mrsdszoo


    sounds like if they wind up being a pair, we'll have nearly matching pairs.
  15. mrsdszoo


    ... photos continued: (Trying to put Forrest in with the others, and Popeye)
  16. mrsdszoo


    I think all of my hatching is done, but I'm leaving the remaining eggs in the incubator another day just in case: one EE, three turkeys, and two CCL. I'm worried about two chicks, a CCL who had her eye pecked and it's now bulging, and another CCL with swimmer legs and curled toes. The Popeye...
  17. mrsdszoo


    You know we're not good with math -especially chicken math.
  18. mrsdszoo


    So much for taking a break from the forum and bird stuff. I've been babysitting the hatcher and the brooder for the last few days, and a few more days to go. Just to make sure I was available to be close by, the stars lined up just right and I did something a mom dreads -I cut myself while...
  19. mrsdszoo


    Wow, CD, your birds must have thought they were in Oz after their pen blew away!
  20. mrsdszoo


    I'm really curious to see if those cornish crosses will grow out that far, and breed. Thank goodness for freezer camp (and auctions) -I can relate to you riend's situation. Out of my first five chickens, four were roosters! They need a bit more headroom sooner than chicks, and they need the...
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