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  1. Rocky Rhodes


    A word or two about that. We have a tall chain-linked fence topped with razor wire around the entire poultry processing plant, the entire property. They have one entrance and a guard shack. They have armed guards on the premises. ANYONE can drive up to the high school and walk right in. WHY...
  2. Rocky Rhodes


    I came here to escape the royal wedding coverage. I don't understand why Americans are so obsessed with these snobby over-privileged royals. The word "Royal" makes me want to puke.:sick A pale privileged balding red- headed silver spoon sucking wimp, and a 3rd rate actress who was another man's...
  3. Rocky Rhodes


    It was just a guess, don't re-home yet. I have been wrong before. Once or twice.
  4. Rocky Rhodes


    It's hard to tell at that age, but that partridge looks cocky. It sounds like it acts cocky too. I'd guess cockerel, but it's just a guess. I think, with the splash, the spots may come when the feathers do. Nice looking chicks. :thumbsup
  5. Rocky Rhodes


    I've got the incubators going again.:yaI was offered a few guinea eggs to hatch, so I got an incubator set up and running. My 80 year old Father-in-law picked them up and left them on my kitchen table. When I got home from work I found 48 guinea eggs on my table. My incubator only holds 42. I...
  6. Rocky Rhodes


    Welcome to our flock.:frow
  7. Rocky Rhodes


    I broke my broody cochin by blocking off her nest boxes, after throwing her out of the nest. I kept the nests blocked off until I found an egg in the coop. This might not work all the time, I've had hens make their nests on the ground.
  8. Rocky Rhodes


    Wow, I haven't been getting alerts, so I checked in and was about 4 pages behind.:he I'm all caught up now. I picked up a nice CCL cockerel from Flowerbh last week and he is fitting in with his females perfectly. It was good to visit and finally see that awesome coop. What a beautiful flock...
  9. Rocky Rhodes


    Hey there.:frow
  10. Rocky Rhodes


    Are you asking about ordinances or type of housing? It gets pretty cold here in the winter. As far as any county or city ordinances, I'm not sure about that. You came to the right thread though. I'm sure someone from that area will be able to answer all of your questions. I live in Gilmer Co...
  11. Rocky Rhodes


    I think this little one is a rooster. He looks like the rooster in my avatar did when he was little. That's his pops. I think it is a rooster because it is feathering out very slowly, he's 4 weeks old believe it... or not. Somebody call Ripley. Cute ain't he?
  12. Rocky Rhodes


    Welcome to the flock.:frowGlad you joined us. Waiting on picks of your babies.:popI love silkies. I bought 4 white silkies earlier in the spring, and now they are looking like mixes. I'll try to get some pics to post.
  13. Rocky Rhodes


    I hatched Lakenvelder, Cochin, and some XL Olive egger eggs.
  14. Rocky Rhodes


    My hatch has ended. The final result was 30 of 37 hatched, all are doing great. It didn't turn out too bad. I still think I would have had a few more hatch if I had set them upright in the hatcher.
  15. Rocky Rhodes


    That's how I usually do it. I think I got the idea from you a few years ago. This is the only way I'll do it from now on. I still have chicks hatching, so we'll see how bad of a mistake this was.:idunno
  16. Rocky Rhodes


    Hey! Is there anybody out there? Where did everybody go? I made the mistake of letting eggs hatch laying on their sides. I had so many to hatch (38), that I decided not to do it the way I usually do, thought it would take too much space. I usually have 90% (give or take a couple) success rate...
  17. Rocky Rhodes


    Thanks for the info. Hmmmm... 18 watts vs. 250 watts. No math or conversion needed. Approximately 45 times more energy to run a 250 watt heat lamp.:eek:
  18. Rocky Rhodes


    Thank you, I think I'm going to try this. I had never heard about cooler temps causing faster feathering, but that sounds logical. Thanx for the links, I've got some reading to do.
  19. Rocky Rhodes


    I just left Ellijay GA TSC, and they had Cream Legbar chicks. They were priced as straight run. They didn't have a lot, but they are only $1.99! There were only a few pullets left. They may have them at some of the other TSCs in the area.
  20. Rocky Rhodes


    Goat droppings make great fertilizer... That's a great little set-up. Where did you get that idea? I have an outdoor brooder, so I've always used a 250 watt infrared heat lamp. It can get pretty cold here at night in the mountains. I wonder if that would work for me? I saw where it said energy...
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