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  1. Cknldy


    I'd really like to try pharoah quail. With their early laying and rich eggs I think they'd be worth it. Do you feed yours flockraiser or gamebird feed?
  2. Cknldy


    So many posts and pages so fast! By the time I catch up I forget what I was wanting to reply to If there's a fresh clean egg with a shell only crack I usually cook immediately. If it has mud or a poo spot the hogs or other animals get it cuz washing it could run bacteria right into the egg. With...
  3. Cknldy


    Take a drive in the countryside. Enjoy the scenery and stop at the closest house to a hay field with bales in it! Chances are if they don't own it they know who does. This time of year square bales in the field are $3 per bale. I've seen ads for alfalfa/timothy mix bales for $5.
  4. Cknldy


    Carcar you could try putting an upside down cardboard box with a hole cut out big enough for only the littles to run in. Flat rocks on top to keep it from being flipped over by the bigger ones. I saw it somewhere for "enrichment" on a trial based broiler farm deal but it might work for...
  5. Cknldy


    After getting my very first chicks years ago I was given some BJG chicks already feathered. I was so excited to make a poultry friend and be GIVEN chickens that I didn't check them over before they were shoved in the box. Got home and was checking them out only to discover they were covered in...
  6. Cknldy


    Oh Carcar you just have to keep some LO! My boy is a gentle giant. It may be 8 months before the ladies start laying but they are awesome layers. Folks that come to buy from me are amazed by my boy's size. I thought for sure he'd end up killing the juvies when I integrated them (cage in coop for...
  7. Cknldy


    He's beautiful! Congrats!
  8. Cknldy


    Yay! I've sold enough chickens to pay for the speeding ticket court fee and the driving class. Take that dh Chickens can pay for a lot of stuff. Congrats on all the new acquisitions everyone! Cliff- modern games remind me of mini shamos
  9. Cknldy


    The kids and I sprouted leftover birdseed for the chickens last year. We were just so thrilled that WE grew beautiful green "grass"! I actually set some out in part of the yard that retains water and it helped with drainage too. Easiest thing to do for your birds.
  10. Cknldy


    Katiedarling your coop is so grand! You did an absolutely great job on it. How far apart are the up- pieces on your ramp? The first one I made I had put them about a foot apart. Only large fowl are in that coop but come winter I noticed the chickens would step then slide to the next one! Ended...
  11. Cknldy


    My kids recognize 'stress poo' instantly If something upsetting has happened we can always tell by the poo in a coop. Usually it's a predator scoping them out without us seeing anything but tracks later. Sometimes the weedeater but they've sort of gotten used to that. I'd go with the last advice...
  12. Cknldy


    Until my TSC has a fluke and doesn't have an emergency bag of hog feed one week then when I'm TOTALLY out of chicken feed they have no Flockraiser until 3 more days! First time that's happened here but it sure was frustrating to decide on all the bags needed!
  13. Cknldy


    I give Flockraiser because birds of all ages can eat it. It's great when a broody raises chicks because you don't have to worry about mom's nutrients not being enough or chicks getting what they shouldn't. 20% protein but if you add scratch to it the protein gets lowered a bit. Some folks say...
  14. Cknldy


    I use the totes in an enclosed feed shed. I think it is 18 gallon totes that hold 50+ pounds and one of the longer ones holds 100 pounds. I have mouse traps in the feed shed (chickhouse) that have yet to catch anything but I've seen a little evidence. Nothing has gotten into the totes in 5 yrs...
  15. Cknldy


    I was hesitating on starting another tray of collected eggs in the bator since my hygrometer went out during last weekends hatch. I am so glad I hesitated! 2 buff orp girls were crammed in one nest box on Saturday sitting on infertile eggs from that day. Sunday morning I split 18 eggs between 2...
  16. Cknldy


    The chickhouse brooder is 5'x2 1/2'. I have the heat lamp on the end with the door and the chicks have the entire area available. I've found that this helps a lot because on days like yesterday when it gets in the 80's the chicks go feet away from the heat lamp so I just turn it off until...
  17. Cknldy


    A vitamin deficiency can cause chicks to walk on their hocks so I'm in the vitamin deficiency section Sav-a-Chick is an easy way to correct it. Within a few days they should improve if it is a vitamin thing going on. Ga has bears but rest assured, I am not in Ga so I'll keep "my bears" to...
  18. Cknldy


    Youngest daughter and I encountered a bear on its way to my hog and chickens this evening! It was young enough that I was on high alert for the momma. None of my coops will keep a bear out no matter the age! I kind of wanted to see it but not scoping out my critters!
  19. Cknldy


    For a couple of years I had to sell straight run, then when I could tell what they were I had to sell in pairs or trios so I didn't get stuck with extra males. For the past two years folks have been asking specifically for juvie/adult males! This year I tagged the reason- more pullet only orders...
  20. Cknldy


    I'm in 70's daytime and upper 50's to 60's at night. My keepers in the chickhouse were (5) 5 week old RIR and (1) 2 week old female BLP in the same brooder. Due to panting the light was off during the day then eventually at night too because they were sleeping away from the heat. All were moved...
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