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  1. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    With respect for ones privacy, please keep us informed as you are able to. Thank you Aaron
  2. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    A possibility they may be on vacation somewhere and not at the phone, or even at home? Hoping that's all it is. Aaron
  3. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    A friend of mine had one that died, the others tore it up, so yah cannibalisms is not off their lean cuisine either. But, does it taste like chicken? Isn't the world going to be shocked when they finally learn the truth... that chicken just tastes like everything else ! Aaron
  4. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    Obviously you have not been to China lately.
  5. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    oh but the LOOKS the girls give each other, they are literally beak to beak, glaring at each other, wings propping on each other, feet dug in, flapping, you can see them straining to tug o war to get the lizard from the other one. I just cant figure out how that lizard doesn't just come apart...
  6. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    Some are chill others are a holes, just depends on which one you get. The chickens absolutely LOVE them when they manage to catch one. It's not pretty but, entertaining watching them dig in with all their might to tug o war on some poor lizard heh. Aaron
  7. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    You are about 3 decades behind the times there. Aaron
  8. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    No, it was a public school. School district 230. I walked to school too, so couldn't even use the, the bus didn't come excuse either. I mean some days it was like a 45 minute list of state closings they'd be rattling off in the chicago area, you are waiting and waiting and waiting,but...
  9. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    My problem was it'd snow like CRAZY, Id be like oh BOY school will be closed, I won't do my homework. sure enough, 3/4 the darned state gets closed down but NOOooo my school stayed open. and yah when I got home from school, a few hours of shoveling waiting for me. aaron
  10. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    Do NOT miss the snow one bit. Grew up shoveling feet of that stuff in chicago, if I never see snow again, i'm good with it! Aaron
  11. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    Last I heard they were hanging out with @ChickenPotPie, drinking some moonshine to keep warm and singing chicken pot chicken pot, chicken pot Pieeeeeeeeee Aaron
  12. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    Blinking power is not too bad. Power that takes a nap or a long ciesta IS a problem. Aaron
  13. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    Ugh, all that driving, in the snow. I have to say I do NOT miss any of that crap. Too bad they won't let you stock up on your meds for 6 months at a time. Take care and be careful out there. Aaron
  14. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    pretty bitter attitude for a greeter. Might want to work on that a bit and make it a New Years resolution instead. That way when you give it up a week later, it's not so unexpected, as breaking NYR's is pretty... anticipated in most cases. Aaron
  15. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    That I can, he also does his own decaf too. Totally different world from the decaf crap you get in the stores. It's well worth it. Aaron
  16. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    bainbridge does sound correct. Ill have to reply tomorrow once i get into my business computer and see where it was exactly. I do know that the post office generally takes a few extra days for stuff to get there though, even on normal days. Aaron
  17. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    does something like Point White Guest House ring a bell? I think that is it. just pulling things out my butt. i think that was it. Aaron
  18. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    Im drawing a blank :/ I'll have to go through my pay pal and see again. One of my customers has a small hotel or something of that type up there and he roasts coffee for his customers. Point something or another. darnit I just can't recall, let me go and see if I can dit ig up again. Aaron
  19. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    I sell green coffee beans to a few roasters in Washington state. One is on an island up there somewhere. Maybe you could look them up and get some better beans to drink? Just an idle curiosity. Aaron
  20. Ascholten

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    I roast my own coffee, and brew it, but with that being said, Dunkin Donuts breakfast blend is not totally horrible if you need storebought, and there's a store brand called 8 o clock coffee, breakfast blend for take home that is not too bad. Sadly between big red, big blue and some fishy...
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