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  1. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Oh wow. It's been forever! Now we just need Stacy, Smuv, and about 10 other people to stop in. (Jealous of your axols!) Really happy to see you around. I'm so sorry you're going though all of that. Maybe a cute pixie cut for the future so as not to tempt fate. Same. It's such a great idea...
  2. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    It's balmy 18⁰ in NE Ohio. When I woke up this am it was 3⁰. I hope everyone is staying warm. My brothers family lives south of Dallas and his wife shared that it was 16⁰ there yesterday so it looks like everyone gets to suffer this time.
  3. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had nice holidays and have a quiet an calm year. Kids are home from school for another week and today we're doing a soft open for our new library.
  4. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Both my children enjoy telling me that I am the grandmother to their pets. And I am perfectly okay with that over human grandchildren right now.
  5. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Just wanted to share a pic of my grandson. His name is Kirk. He lives w my oldest and came home for Thanksgiving break.
  6. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Interesting. I'm going to have to look into this. I'd seen the side wall panels before but I don't want my mean girls hogging it. Hanging it above sounds like a good solution. We're down to 7 so the community heat is an issue now. Winter arrived today and my younger kid is worried her favorite...
  7. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Good to know. I plan on staying out with them the whole time and not leaving them. I went over by the garage to talk to my dad and it took a chance. Unfortunately I didn't have anything with me and I didn't want to leave the chickens to get help because it was pacing back in the corner like it...
  8. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    We had another loss last night. What looked like a coyote came out of the woods and grabbed clover, my lavender orpington. I thought I was going to be able to save her but then after I started getting her cleaned up I realized it basically skinned her entire back and then down her right side. I...
  9. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    That's exactly how Emily was, her BP was so low that any time she stood up she'd pass out. They were so concerned about if she hit her head that they weren't looking at why her BP was so low. So thankful that they caught it in time and were able to treat it and he's getting better.. what a...
  10. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Good to know! Because I have watched those videos over and over again but you know how it is watching those type of infomercial by this cool thing videos and then you get it and it's garbage and you're mad because you just blew $25 on trash.
  11. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Both kids are off to college! It's been about 10 days since I dropped off the younger one. They're coming back in a couple weeks for a celebration of life for their stepmom's mom who passed away the day we drop the youngest one off at College because that's how things work. I've been working on...
  12. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    I saw this thing once that looked kind of like a broom handle with a rubber squeegee at the end and they raked it through the carpet and it pulled up so much hair. I've always wanted to try it but I could never justify it because we don't have pets but my kids and I shed so much hair that it's...
  13. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    They posted the internal positions this week. I'm not sure when they're planning on interviewing for those but once that is done if there's any other open positions they will be posted on the website. Usually when positions are taken internally there's a lot of Shifting around after that too so...
  14. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    I don't know if you're still interested in working for the library but things are finally starting to move on our Brimfield branch and they should be later this fall. Because we have a union we need to post everything internally first. I'm not involved with any of that stuff except for my...
  15. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Glad she survived. I had something go after my biggest hen & fail. I was sitting on a swinging bench right in front of it. Everyone got away but it scared the kitty litter out of everyone. Those fall predators will stop at nothing. Hope he feels better soon. I get the whole not wanting to work...
  16. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    A couple months ago we had mink in the area but fortunately none came in my direction. A woman I work with who lives down the road from my dad had a fox get one of her promise a couple weeks ago. It was horrifying because he was not too far away from it and it just reached into the enclosure and...
  17. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Hi all. Hope everybody is doing well. We lost toothless a couple weeks ago. I got her in to the vet and noticed she had a sour crop. Started her on antibiotics but apparently it had been going on for a while. I had her as a house chicken for one night and then took her back to the coop the next...
  18. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Is it possible that they got stung on the face by a bee or something? Years ago one of my cats got cut on the back and it ended up like a giant pus pocket that eventually burst open and it was disgusting. I took her to the vet and the vet gave me some kind of antibiotic powder and like a puffer...
  19. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    We've been mid 80s which is not normal. Hasn't rained in a while. I finally understand what they mean by "it's a dry heat". Younger one graduated over the weekend. She's headed off to college in the fall. The older one has a year left in college and graduates next May. It's weird to have them...
  20. apryl29

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Hi everyone! Hope everyone's been doing well. Been busy (avoiding cleaning & everything else) but had to pop on bc one of my hens has a prolapsed vent & was looking for info & wanted to check in. I've officially decided that I'm not getting any more birds.. I don't mind them most days, but when...
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