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  1. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    THankful for any news we get
  2. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    You love the original thread, especially when Derp morphs into a loaf of breed. Just amazing.
  3. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    still no Derp photos :hit
  4. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    :caf:pop waiting for photos of Derp
  5. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    Mycena sounds like a pretty name, especially if someone doesn't know it denotes a type of fungus.
  6. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    Which one is Fungus and why???
  7. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    They are beautiful and certainly do look like sweethearts. I have read on BYC that Fayoumi are very resistant to Mareks but, don't notice anyone trying them. :confused:
  8. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    Sorry, it will be our secret ;)
  9. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    Fluffy I don't see any Wyandottes in your avatar
  10. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    Derp is consistently Derp:love
  11. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    What can you say about Derp except she has been Derp since she was hatched.
  12. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    Don't know anything about your new breed but I sure will stay tuned in to learn about them.
  13. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    I've been a Derp fan since the beginning and still laugh about Derp morphing into a loaf of bread. Derp just going around the rooster, and Derp saying "Hai to Mr.Grill")
  14. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    I've heard Fayoumi (not sure of spelling) breed is quite resistant to Mareks. Someone who has been very hard hit by it - is looking to get some. She hopes she can breed some resistance into her flock - if she has any survivors.
  15. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    Fud Lady and fud guy, and all fowl family members - hope you had a nice Christmas & New Years :yesss:
  16. drumstick diva

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    SO glad I noticed this new thread - thanks a million. I'm in!!:wee
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