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  1. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Quote: If she's still there with her babies you should call wildlife. Hopefully they'll pick her up and relocate her. I wouldn't want the opossum to stay in my coop. Not that it's not cute she decided to have babies there.
  2. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Yesterday while I was cleaning the coop and run, changing water, freshening feed, etc I found 7 of 7, but one was the smallest egg I've ever had one of my girls lay. What the heck?! lol! I took a pic with another one of my pullet's eggs in my hand with it for size comparison, and then my son's...
  3. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 so far today.
  4. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 so far today, and only 6 yesterday.
  5. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Quote: Personally, I wouldn't have the 3wks out in the icky rain, but you could try to help dry them a little bit when they get in. That being said, even without rain mine will do that. They will also scoot their feet on the floor while laying down (it looks really odd, they will even rub...
  6. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    7/7 but I freaking dropped one again today. What the heck is wrong with me?! Frigggggggg!!
  7. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    7/7 and I broke one :( That's the 3rd time I have done that now, grrrrrrr!! Oh well, at least the chickens will enjoy the tasty treat.
  8. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Now that the days are getting longer 7/7 every day. I sold 3 of my girls from last year (they weren't a fit for the flock and they went to someone I know).
  9. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Mine have been all over the place with the crazy weather. 3 one day, 6 the next, 4 one day, 7 the next. We were hit with an ice/snow "storm" and cold weather. The ice is starting to melt, but it's nicely compacted so it's taking a while to melt. I have 2 in a sort of molt. Poor Ghost has some...
  10. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Thanks. Weather in NC has been crazy. The 2 who are molting are almost 10mos. We've been in a cold snap on and off the last several days so it's messing with my emotions. I'm worried about them, but keeping an eye on them. So far, it seems to just be head and neck, and a few small places on...
  11. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    7 yesterday and 6 today of the 9 who are laying. 2 are going through a small molt, my goodness, right in the middle of winter, this weather has been crazy and it's really screwing things up :(
  12. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    7/9 yesterday. The weather is ridiculous, cold, hot, cold, hot, cold again. I am sure it's messing with them because production drops then goes up a little then drops then goes up. Still waiting (patiently) on 1 girl to start laying. :)
  13. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    weather has been wonky so I've had a decrease with the girls. The other day I got 7 eggs, day before yesterday I only got 3 eggs, yesterday I got 2, and today I got 7. Today I got one from a new layer so I'm up to 9 laying now!
  14. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Yesterday I got 4 eggs, one was from a new layer!! The one on the right was from a new layer, the one in the middle is also a fairly new layer (about a week, but I've been too busy to get online much) Any thoughts on the colors?
  15. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 of the 6 laid today. This weather is really icky (rainy and cloudy)
  16. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I got 5 of 6 today. One of my GSL didn't lay. This weather is really messing with them. Sighs
  17. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    4 of the 6 laid yesterday. Today I have collected 2 so far, but 2 were in the nesting boxes when I was collecting so I will likely find more later today.
  18. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Congrats! Thanks!!!! 4 of 6 today. Another day of crappy weather. No sun, and very windy. The wind was whipping so hard it knocked the door shut several times this afternoon despite having a "wedge" to hold it open. I went out and tried to rig it with other means, but nope, that wind was...
  19. chickmomma03

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Quote: If you can, get really good pictures of the one in question (comb, full body from the side including legs). It would help identify rooster versus hen. I have a buff orpington that was suppose to be a hen and "she" turned out to be a he. I have an EE that looked a lot roo-ish to me, but...
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