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  1. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 eggs out of 8 girls the 2 previous days, 7 out of 8 yesterday. We've been getting 5 to 7 daily for weeks now, so quite a bounty. (They just reached full "hen-hood" this spring, all very young chickens.) I recognize which egg belongs to which hen for the most part (easy with the 2 Eggers and...
  2. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Ohhhh, no! What a shock, so sad... 😲 Was she an old girl? Obviously she'd seemed fine before; so sorry you've lost your sweet girl.😢
  3. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Lua looks just like our Barred Rock Xenobia (aka "Xena the Warrior Princess" jokingly, because she's such a sweet & mellow big floof!) She's one of my friendly favorites in the flock.🤗 Oh, right - just 4 eggs out of 8 girls today: Martha's blue, Edna's green, Xena's tan and a big brown (Rhonda...
  4. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    You're much more organized than I am! Eggshells just get tossed in a box near the woodstove, and when I need to crush more for the girls' enjoyment, I just dig out a bunch from the bottom of the pile. ☺️😁 But I only have 8 girls so it's not that overwhelming to keep up with. My 3-yr-old...
  5. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Wow, you gave them an afternoon in chicken paradise! Happy, lucky chooks - they look like they're having a grand time!😍
  6. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    5 eggs today! Martha's blue, the Egger sisters' greens, Jill the Delaware's pale brown/rose tinted, and a medium tan - either "Queen" Pauline the Buff Orp (hopefully sizing up from her recent little "pullet egg" offerings!) or Xena the PBR. The girls were loving this rare sunny day after so...
  7. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    She does look a mite perturbed! "Hey -- what's the DEAL here?!? A girl's gotta lay when a girl's gotta lay. I'm complaining to the management!"😁😆
  8. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Catch-up time! We've been having such wet, stormy weather - wind, hail, thunder & lightning, but mostly just rain, rain, rain. (6.68" total from this storm system.) I was ducking out during lighter showers to coop-clean, top off water & feed and collect eggs; no one wanted to come out & play...
  9. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    What a gorgeous range of colors! Curious to see what shades the OEs will add to that spectrum. (Love the OEs' names...😄)
  10. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Seven eggs Thursday -- all but one girl "participating!" but down to four Friday and four yesterday. It's just after noon now so I'll check for eggs later when I take them their "afternoon tea" 😉 . It'll be scrambled eggs today, we're buried in eggs with only 2 of us to eat them and my local...
  11. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I've been away for awhile, that pesky ol' Real Life getting in the way of my quality BYC time! Six of my 8 girls are officially hens this month, their one-year birthday! The 2 Eggers will be a year old in April, but they lay more regularly than anyone else in my very mixed little flock. We're...
  12. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Confirmed! It IS flock queen Pauline who's been laying these little fairy eggs in recent weeks. Monday 2/12, after I'd collected all the other eggs, Pauline hunkered down in the favored nest box for a long time, and when she emerged, this little egg was in there by itself. (Elsie's green and...
  13. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Wow, I am waaaay behind with my egg tallies! That dang ol' thing "real life" keeps getting in the way of my daily BYC indulgence. It's been a bit of a roller coaster lately in the egg-laying department - well, maybe one of the "little kid" coasters at the county fair. 😉 My 8 girls hit a high of...
  14. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I've been otherwise engaged lately but back to reporting now! Six eggs from my 8 girls today, despite all of us sheltering from yet another atmospheric river deluge. Martha's blue and the 2 Eggers' greens (as usual) and three of those being another cute little pullet egg. 🙄...
  15. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Aha, so they're back to tucking their eggs in those crepe myrtles again! Sneaky girls! 😁
  16. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    So you're fond of al fresco clover salad? 😉 😁 Nice that the girls will share with you!
  17. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Four eggs yesterday, and six today! Martha's blue yesterday, but she took a personal leave day today. Edna's green both days, Elsie's green today. Two browns yesterday, four today (including another random pullet egg - 🤔 wonder whose?) so all but one of the brown-egg girls contributed today...
  18. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Congratulations to Miss Dolores! ❤️ Well done, girl! First eggs are so exciting...
  19. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    What an elegant rainbow of egg colors! Beautiful - almost too pretty to eat. 😉 The girls gave us five eggs today. Martha's blue, both Eggers' greens, Jill's pink-blushed brown and a large, round,deep brown. And most were clean for a change! Only 3 stayed on the benches.
  20. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Ooops, forgot: SIX eggs today 😍, first time in awhile; maybe they're inspired by the longer days even though it's mostly been gray and wet. (Randomly, one was a little pullet egg...wonder if it was Pauline the Buff, Rhonda the RIR or Sheila the Australorp? Everyone else's eggs I could...
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