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  1. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I’ve got 16 hens, 6 pullets about 6 months old. I’m getting about 1-4 eggs a day. Last week had a total of 14!! I had to buy eggs.
  2. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Boy it’s been a while for me! I miss having the time to go through the forum. Too busy at work. Well my original flock is approaching one year in November so technically they’re still pullets. I have one molting pretty bad. A BB Bantam. She’s shivering and looks like a mangy bird. Lol. I didn’t...
  3. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Great! Thank you for the suggestion! I’ll pick up some extra for them. For fun treats I froze corn in muffin pans with some water. They have so much fun pecking at them and I hope it helps cool them off a bit. Watermelon also - they LOVE it. But I know neither of these will help with yolk color...
  4. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    What are good veggies and fruits to give them to orange up the yolks? 12/16 today.
  5. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I did not change the feed. Could it just be the weather?
  6. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Yup - only 10 today. Also noticed my yolks are not as dark and bright as they were a month ago.
  7. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    It’s been hot here! Around 80-90 degrees F. I’ve been fighting one broody after another. They have been easy to break and lay quickly after. All of them bantams which is interesting. Been averaging 12-13 eggs a day. The juvies are about 13 weeks? I’m guessing. Some are getting close to big girl...
  8. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    [That sounds so much fun! I'm in my 40s and still haven't worked out when to stop drinking Pina Coladas :smack:lau I mean... I definitely let loose. Lol. But I didn’t get sloppy! I call that a win! 14/16 today. My favaucana hasn’t laid in 2 days plus my stinker broody.
  9. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I broke my broody from a couple weeks ago. She was in jail for almost 5 days. But ended up laying again really quick. But NOW I have another broody. So far, all of the girls that have gone broody have been bantams. I'll never own another one again unless I plan on raising chicks that way! OY! So...
  10. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I call her tut tut cuz her little noise is adorable. I’ll check later to see if she’s still making that sound. If so - she can stay in jail. Lol.
  11. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Got 11 eggs yesterday. Pulled the broody 2 nights ago. Easy to grab her when she’s sleeping. When do I release her back with the flock?
  12. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    @penny1960, thank you for the prayers. She’s 60, so young to be facing the end. However, she’s lived a great life and for now, we’re soaking up every minute we have. I forgot to pull the broody tonight. I tried to grab her earlier but she got out and then “tut tut” all over the yard and I...
  13. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Thank you. I had every intention of breaking her weeks ago... time got away from me!!!
  14. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I’ve been absent for some time! My mom’s been fighting lung cancer for 2.5 years and I don’t think she’ll make it another month. Plus, we’ve been camping and seem to have plans every weekend. Back to eggs... I was getting 13-15 eggs a day for a while. The last week I was getting 12 and then this...
  15. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    @penny1960 I planned on breaking her that way but I don’t have any wire bottomed crates. I may need to pick up one on offerup or something.
  16. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    For the love!!! I’m kicking out these bantam pullets all day. My bantam EE just started laying a week ago and is already trying to live in the nest box. My other Bantam BB is doing the same. I put in some ice packs in the boxes they were laying in. See if we can’t chill these girls out. 13/16...
  17. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Im 15/16 today. Had to kick out my little Brahma from the nest boxes 3 times today. She hasn’t laid in days. She’s prevented me from my perfect 16/16 so many times!!! I’m ready to kick her out of the coop all together!! My 6 started chicks are okay. The lady I get them from said they’re 8...
  18. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    She’s so sweet and those babies... :love
  19. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    My girls are not even a year old. I just kick her out of the nest box and she does okay. She wasn’t in there last night so hopefully she got the hint! 14/16 so far today. I doubt I’ll get any more.
  20. April Barta

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Another 15/16 today. I have one thinking about going broody. I’ve caught her in the nest boxes two nights in a row and kick her out. I haven’t seen an egg from her in a couple days! She’s keeping me from my perfect 16/16. Ugh!!! I just got my other bantam laying again. :barnie
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