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  1. Iluveggers

    Boston Terrier Thread!!

    Here’s my mixed big boy. His ears pointed up til about a year and now they flip at the end. His favorite spot is on the couch next to one of us. 😊 But he can see out the back window there too lol.
  2. Iluveggers

    Boston Terrier Thread!!

    My Boston mix is fantastic! He doesn’t snore or have nose issues since his snout is a bit longer. He is demanding of human (and his “brother” dog) attention, and licks everything lol. Unfortunately he is 60 pounds! (I was hoping for a dog I could pick up, so his father must have been a big guy)...
  3. Iluveggers

    Boston Terrier Thread!!

    That is a PRECIOUS photo!
  4. Iluveggers

    Boston Terrier Thread!!

    That is a GREAT pic! ❤️❤️❤️
  5. Iluveggers

    Boston Terrier Thread!!

    Mine thinks he’s a human! Here’s him sitting upright with me in my footstool 😂😂❤ (he’s half Boston)
  6. Iluveggers

    Boston Terrier Thread!!

    She is beautiful! I think BT’s look so regal when they sit straight like that! 😍😍
  7. Iluveggers

    Boston Terrier Thread!!

    He’s bigger than expected, about 35 lbs which is probably my max to pick up! 😂 We haven’t had any chickens in my yard yet (next year!) but we have brought him to the farm numerous times. He ignored the quail pen and chicken run…I think he might try to chase free range chickens but he is such a...
  8. Iluveggers

    Boston Terrier Thread!!

    My BT is a mix from a rescue (we don’t know what his dad was), and he is the smartest dog I’ve ever owned! Lots of energy, learns commands in about 2 minutes, and we call him a Velcro dog (he has separation anxiety so we have to leave him in a crate when no one is home or he gets nervous &...
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