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  1. Christinecam

    Red Pyle, sexing diffilculty

    He started crowing shortly after the photo!
  2. Christinecam

    Red Pyle, sexing diffilculty

    Oops! I'm not sure why I'm the world it posted repeats.. user error
  3. Christinecam

    Red Pyle, sexing diffilculty

    Here are a few face shots
  4. Christinecam

    Red Pyle, sexing diffilculty

    I will get some face pics this evening. Thanks!
  5. Christinecam

    Red Pyle, sexing diffilculty

    Hello! I've been doing a significant amount of reading throughout this site and finally have joined. I have found the info to be a great help. And now, I need help! I've just received this beautiful red pyle and am thinking...Roo?! She/he is about 4-5 months old, large, no comb growth...
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