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  1. etvixen

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    Oh thanks for the thought. I know, no one wants roosters. :hit I just gotta do what I can to give him his best shot. He's certainly having a good run living his best life up to this point. :lol: Hey, if your rule flouting neighbor wants to extend her bachelor flock in an extremely unnecessarily...
  2. etvixen

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    Aloha kakou! This boy is looking for a home. Any takers? Hatched July 31. FYI Makani Kai still accepts chickens on board, $30/bird, she didn't mention a particular limit. Not as cargo or anything, but great option if you or a friend island hops.
  3. etvixen

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    If you're still looking/writing, feel free to reach out. Aloha.
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